Chapter 8: Angel of Death.

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"I am fine, Isaac, you can go back to the motel," I reassured Isaac for the eighth time to go back to the motel, but he wasn't ready to listen. It's been two days, I was in the hospital, I was fed up from looking at these hospital walls and the scent of medicines which was around me was making me nauseous.

"No, I will not go without you," he nodded his head, "and you should get a new place, that motel isn't safe."

"Isaac, getting a place isn't that simple."

"I know, I will help you get a place," he thought about something then it felt like something clicked in his mind, "um I have an idea."

I looked at him attentively, "What idea?

"Uh, okay listen very carefully. Don't make this a big deal, I am just giving an idea," he said while holding his hands in surrender.

I frowned, "go on."

"Move in with me."

"WHAT?" I yelled looking at him, "are you serious?"

"Just listen to me, Bella," he said while scratching his forehead, "I know, it's bad and it's too soon and early, but trust me this is a good and most reliable option."

"Isaac, listen to me. I know you're scared for me but I can't move in with you just like that. I just-we just started giving this thing a chance, we don't have to rush it like this." I put my hand over his hand and looked at him pleadingly.

Isaac groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose, "fine, but you better stay in front of my eyes from now on and don't test my patience, or I will kidnap you."

I chuckled, "you will kidnap me?"

"Yeah, I can kidnap you, don't underestimate me." He said while flexing his muscles.

"Yeah, I am not underestimating you, Mister Hannibal,"

"Are you sure, you can walk?" Isaac asked looking at me cautiously. I got discharged and now we both were making our way towards Isaac's car.

I laughed, "yes, I can walk Isaac. I got bewitched by a random Voldemort-y shadow, it didn't cripple me."

I got inside Isaac's car and sat on the passenger seat while Isaac sat on the driver's seat.

Suddenly, I could feel Isaac getting serious, "Bella, you need to remember what that shadow said."

I looked at him and sighed, I did remember the snippets of that memory but not whole, "Isaac, I don't remember the whole thing, I remember it calling me by my name."

Suddenly my eyes got wide, "my name, it called me by my name."

Isaac frowned, "and that is something extraordinary?"

My heart was thumping faster and I could hear my heartbeat, I tried to inhale, but it felt like my strength to breathe is no more.

"Hey, hey Bella. Breathe, it's fine," Isaac said holding my face, "I am here, I will not let anything bad happens to you."

I looked at him and my breathing started getting normal and I sighed and closed my eyes, "I am fine, thank you."

Isaac was still cautious but he left my face and held my hand looking at me, "are you sure?"

I nodded, "yes, I am okay now. It was just a small panic attack I think."

Isaac nodded, "you don't have to remember it, it's okay as long as you're okay."

I gave him a weak smile, and Isaac started the engine and made his way towards the motel. I don't know how that shadow knew my real name. Was it something supernatural? Does the supernatural exist? What if it was a demon and he was there to take my soul or was it the angel of death? The angel of death would know my real name, yes.

I gasped and put my hands over my mouth, Isaac immediately looked at me, "what is it, Bella?"

"Do you believe in the supernatural?" I asked Isaac.

Isaac looked at me with wide eyes and coughed, "depends on what you're about to ask."

"Look, what if that shadow was a demon and he was here to take my soul?" I frantically yelled, "or what if that was the angel of demon and he was here to take me to hell? Because I was about to die?"

Isaac looked at me with a frown on his face, "you were not about to die, Bella."

"How do you know? I think I already died and you're a servant of the angel of death in disguise looking like Isaac?" I folded my arms on my chest.

Isaac gave a small chuckle, "you have a great imagination, Bella."

"Do you believe me?" I asked him in a serious tone.

"I do."

"Even if I sound insane?"

"You don't sound insane, Bella," Isaac sighed, "about your first question, yes I believe in supernatural, there are some things which normal people don't know about, and about your second question, I believe you because I know you wouldn't lie to me."

I suddenly felt a pang of guilt in my heart when I heard his words, I was lying to him. I have been lying to everyone about who I was really. I changed my name. I changed my identity and didn't tell anyone about it because I never trusted anyone, but with Isaac, I don't know why I could feel the trust he had in me yet I couldn't make myself, tell him the truth.

Isaac waved his hand over my face, I looked at him he was facing me and had a frown on his face, "Earth to Bella."

"Sorry," I said sheepishly.

"What were you thinking about?" He asked.

I smiled, "I am glad to have you in my life now."

Isaac smiled and pat my head making me laugh, "there, there I am glad to have you in my life too."

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