Chapter 29: The first Shift

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"I can't grow this, good. It's so tough," I said getting frustrated, it's been two months since I was learning to do crazy magic tricks. I have learned how to do combat magic just like Darlene, telekinesis, audible inundation, conjuring the elements, and a little bit of teleportation, and now I was trying to manipulate the plants into growing or blooming at my command.

"You can pfftt its easy, Belle" Darlene rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, you do this, then you will know" I yelled.

"Just try it, concentrate and you will be able to do it. It says in this book that you can manipulate plants into attacking people, too. I mean isn't this impressive" Darlene jumped excitedly holding a yellow old book.

"And why would I want to do that?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Shut up and focus" Nate shouted from the corner of the room, I rolled my eyes at his behavior and closed my eyes, I started focusing visualizing a regrown plant in my mind. I heard the rustling of leaves and opened my eyes and saw a fully grown plant and a Darlene with tears in her eyes.

"Why are you crying?" I saw her wiping her tears.

"That plant was growing, I mean why are you not crying?" She sniffed

"Damn, are you PMSing, Darlene? Nate smirked from across the room.

"Shut up, okay, you stoned-heart people." Darlene poked her tongue out.

Nate got up, "okay let's go."

"Where are you going, now?" I asked in confusion.

"We are going and you are taking us," he said, firmly.

"Oh, no-no-no, you remember what happened last time?"

"Yes, but I dont think it will happen, again," he said hesitantly and scratched his head maybe remembering the last time when he asked me to teleport us back to the coven. I took us to a dumpster somewhere in an alley in New York.

"It will happen, again. I don't know why," Darlene whispered while scratching her eyebrow, "you both go, I will stay."

Nate rolled his eyes at Darlene, 'you're such a scaredy-cat."

"Do not think about a dumpster, again, Belle, and everything will be okay" he sighed and grabbed my hand, I closed my eyes and started thinking about my room in the coven but suddenly the image of my room faded into a swimming pool and within the blink of an eye. I was drowning in a swimming pool.

"Fucking hell, Belle" Nate pull me out of the water, and I took a deep breath.

"I don't know why I thought about this swimming pool" I looked around and saw we were in a private pool, and there was no one around "at least it's not a dumpster."

"Yes, thank God, you didn't think about outer space" Nate started going towards the end of the pool, dragging me with him like a sac.

"Hey, quit dragging me like this" I shouted and he left me to drown in the pool, but then pulled me again.

"Now, do you want me to drag you or not?" he arched his eyebrow.

"Fine" I huffed and he helped me to get out of the pool and teleported us back to the living room of the coven.

Darlene came rushing and started laughing while clutching her stomach, "oh no, where did you go this time?"

Nate groaned, "she took us to a swimming pool."

Darlene started laughing even more which made Nate glared at her and he touched her hand and they both disappeared making me confused.

I looked around the cabin, "what the fuck?"

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