3. Grimmel the Grisly

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At an island far from Berk, the clouds blocked out the sun.

A man gazed down below him, his hand gripping to the sides of his airship, that was being flown by Deathgrippers, as he looked at the ships below him. Metal covered most parts of the ships, giving each of them the extra protection to capture the wild beasts we call dragons.

"Archers!" Called a dragon trapper, as all of the dragon trappers that were on patrol raised their bows, and pointed at the man as he steps off of his airship. The dragon trappers couldn't see the man in black because the sun was blocked, but they were astounded at the fact that this man owned Deathgrippers. He walks to the dragon fighting arena, where dragons are controlled using cages and chains. The strange man and his Deathgrippers walk in amongst the cages and to the warlords.

"Deathgrippers..." muttered one of the trappers, as the gates to the fighting arena opens.

The chants of men were heard as they were trying to keep more dragons quiet.

The man in clad black, got through the short tunnel with his dragons following behind him. The light, that was seeping through the roof, barely reached the man who was standing in the shadows. All that the light gave away, was his piercing blue eyes.

Walking into the arena, he simply ignored all of the dragons that were around him. But, what he did notice was the fact that these dragons had no control. The dragons kept breaking out of their cages, and were leaving the arena, before being shot down with ropes and bolases.

He scoffed once he saw two being being thrown around, like dolls, by a Rumblehorn.


"The Dragon Riders attacked us here..." Ivar places a wooden boat on a map, showing his leaders where the Dragon Riders had 'attacked'. "Off the eastern strait." He continued, before Ragnar the Rock (the most strongest, and most muscular warlord) starts playing with another wooden boat and makes it 'crash' into Ivar's boat.

"Nnneeaoowww, BOOM." He dramatised, flaring is hands up as if the boat had caught fire.

"Ragnar!" Chaghatai Khan, the second out of three warlords scolded the man in blue, hitting his bare arm with the back of her hand with a frown, making the man apologise for his actions. "Um, sorry." Muttered the great Ragnar the Rock.

"My dear warlords!" Came the voice of the newly arrived sounded behind them, making the three turn around without hesitation.

They were greeted by a sight of man before he pulled down in black, tight, hood, lightly ruffling through his snow white hair, "How go your plans to go conquer the world?" He questions the three mighty warlords. " Ha-ha-ha! Grimmel, my old friend!" Ragnar greeted his old friend, with open arms as he walked down the concrete stairs to hug him. "Thank you for comi-" suddenly, one of Grimmel's Deathgrippers attacks and pins Ragnar down because he was getting too close to Grimmel, as the Deathgrippers pointed their scorpion like tail at Ragnar's face, filled with poison as the dragon waiting for Grimmel's permission to stab the poison into him. "Oh-ah!" Yelled Ragnar.

"A year since Drago's defeat, and no further along with your dragon army, I see." Says Grimmel, criticising the warlords as he stepped up to the gigantic map that was sprawled across a long wooden table. "You can thank the young chief of Berk for that."Griselda the Grevious mentioned, as she had her arms crossed and snarled. "Stoick's boy?" Grimmel wondered as he picked up and examined one of the wooden ships that were on the map.

Ragnar is still pinned down by the Deathgripper and speaks while the Deathgripper is dribbling on him.

"Y-Yup!" Ragnar got out of the tight hold of the Deathgripper that had him pinned. "He and his peace-loving Dragon Riders continue to raid our ships and steal our dragons." He answered, his words were slightly muffled by his arm which kept any of the dragon's saliva dripping down onto it.

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