4. Berk...

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Athena's POV

"What do you mean, gone?" Snotlout asked, leaning on a dirty shovel he used to do his dirty work in the Dragon Stables.

"Vanished!" The Chief replied to the man, doing a hand motion. As soon as we came back from the forest, we told everyone that we saw a Light Fury, which left some huge questions for us to answer. "Into thin air." Hiccup finished for Snotlout, but he lost interest and started to look at the small, annoying flies that were around him.

However, before Snotlout could make a snarky comment, Fishlegs ran up to Hiccup (Hiccup had taken over Fishlegs' duty to clean out Meatlug's stable, so he could draw the new species that we had found) to show him the drawing of the Light Fury.

"What do ya think?" The big man handed Hiccup a piece of paper, which was a drawing of what he thinks the Light Fury looks like.

However, Hiccup was quick to shake his head in disapproval. "Uh-uh. Stubbier ears, no dorsal plates." He said, handing back the piece of paper. "Ok, got it." Fishlegs made a note in his head, as he ran back to his table that was covered with gears, tools, and more drawings.

"Haha." Eret chuckled, shaking his head in amusement as he got up from the floor, as he grabbed the leather straps of the saddle he had put together, and threw it over his shoulder. As I quickly went outside to get a fresh basket full of apples. Eret gave me a smile as I walked back in, I also returned the smile. "What a night." He exclaimed for Toothless.

Toothless appears and pushes Hiccup. As a whole lot of saliva is sticking out of his mouth. I just chuckle as Toothless jumps about the place, drooling everywhere.

"What-what's gotten into you? What is all this...slobbering and panting?" Hiccup asked, turning to me in confusion and then back to the Night Fury, as he picked up a tool that he had dropped. I giggled, and put the bucket of apples down, as I kneeled down in front of Toothless and cupped his cheeks lightly.

"Isn't it obvious?" Astrid had just walked into the conversation, however she was the first person I had told about how we found a Light Fury. She just told me that she would meet us in the Stables. She came into the stables, holding a basket full of rolled up paper. "He's in love!" She said, in a teasing voice.

"Trust me, relationships are nothing but complicated and no fun." I said jokingly to Toothless, loud enough so Hiccup could hear.

I looked at him, and his mouth was wide open in disbelief and I started laughing at him. "Oh, yeah bud, it's just pain and misery. I hate it." Hiccup said looking at Toothless, then back to his work, but Astrid hears it and punches Hiccup in the shoulder, since she didn't hear what I had said because she went into another room and came back to only hear what Hiccup said.

"What did I say? Am-am I not enough?" He said to Toothless, but the dragon walks away and spots two Deadly Nadders who are performing a mating dance. He gets excited and runs closer, as he sits down and lays his head down and purrs.

(Fishlegs shows Hiccup another sketch of the Light Fury.)

" Something like this?" Fishlegs showed me another drawing of the Light Fury, he's shown me so many and hasn't really shown Hiccup, but I think that's because I'm nicer, and I tell him lightly. I cringe slightly, because the drawing looks nothing like her. "Why don't you just trace your Toothless card and make her white." I say gently, as I hand the drawing back to Fishlegs. "You could have led with that..." Fishlegs complained lowly, before turning around and going into the other room where Astrid put the paper, as I muttered a 'sorry'.

I stood up and walked over to Hiccup and put my hands on his shoulders, gently, making him look up as my blue eyes were met with emerald green eyes. "Can you believe it?" As I smiled at Hiccup. "Toothless has a girlfriend!"

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