Who is Baji Keisuke !?!

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At lunch time . Me ,Hina and Emma went to our secret hideout .Its just near our school but nobody knows .I had found this place when I  was playing hide and seek with Hina and Emma .It was a very quite but beautiful place .👇👇

Then we sat down munching our food while enjoying the secenery

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Then we sat down munching our food while enjoying the secenery. Then after eating we had 30 minutes break thats when I remembered I wanted to ask them why they gasped back there in class when they heard the new boy said his name is "Baji Keisuke". And  I asked them .

Me - Ummmm....... Guys why did you both gasp when you both heard the name Baji Keisuke??

Emma - Keep your voice low . I don't want him to listen that we are talking about him .

Hina - Chill girl ! No ones here btw .Should we tell her about him ??

Me - Ya ,ok is he dangerous?!? and ya I want to know more about him . 

Hina - Ya ok .I will tell .                                                                                                               Baji Keisuke,18 years. One of Tomans founder. And 1st division captain of Toman .

Me - Wait wait you mean Emma's brother's gang's 1 st division caption ????????!?

Emma - YEAH!

Me - What's your brother's name Emma?

Emma - Mikey??!??

Me - You mean Mikey like in Manjiro Sano ??

Emma -  Yeah How do you know him!?!!

Me - My sister bumped into him last time when we went to buy groceries .Hey I was so close with you all that didn't even knew your brother' s name .Ugh God .So now your saying that boy Baji is Toman's 1 st division captain but he looks like a nerd .

Hina - Iam not yet down .Slow down Tiger.

Me - Ok

Hina - You know Mikey had made a meeting and told that he would make Kisaki the 3rd division captain .

Me - Now now! Who' s this Kisaki guy !?????

Hina - The person who wanted to join Toman and destroy it by gainig Mikey's trust .But Baji knew wicked intention of Kisaki and told Mikey about him but Mikey didn't believe ,So Baji left Toman and joined Valhalla to get more information about Kisaki and prove that Kisaki was a bad .But a war broke out between Toman and Valhalla  and some how Takemitchi was succesful to prove that Kisaki was bad , but on the other hand Baji was stabbed in that battle but later he was saved, but after recovering he changed ,he was deeply hurt that Mikey and others didnt believe him .So he kept on ignoring us but the good news is that he is still friends with his bestfriend Mitsuya and he is still in the gang .

Me - Wow and is Takemichi your boyfriend ??

Hina - Yeah !

Me - Oh .

Emma - We all tried to bring Baji back to normal but he keeps on ignoring us, even Mikey apolized but it didn't work .

Me - Its just that he needs time as well as space you know .Cause he was deeply hurt .And I wanted to see Mitsuyu his bestfriend .

Emma - Ok sure .We will show you 

Then we went back to school .We were walking in the playground .

Emma - There they are  .Mitsuyu and Baji .👇👇I glanced at them .

👇👇I glanced at them

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Me - So . Ya .Lets go to class . 

Hina - Yeah class starts in 5 min .


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