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Gloria's P.O.V

It was Grandma's birthday tomorrow .She rarely visited us but she loved us dearly .She and my Grandpa lived with their older son aka my uncle Alex .As tomorrow we had hoisted a party at our house me and Ari had decided to make cake .At 5 pm I went to market to bring supplies to make cake .I went to supermarket and brought the supplies .And as I was returning home, I heard someone yell .I followed the voice and saw 3 men had pushed a lady to the ground and were stealing money from her purse .She was struggling to get up thats when a man hit her head with a rod .Than I quietly kept the supplies which I had brought from supermarket down on the floor and approached the scene .They stopped on their their tracks .

Men 1 - Oh what is a pretty girl doing here ??

Men 2 - Just go away kid 

Men 3 - Just shoo off kid dont poke your nose into our business unless you want to get beaten up .

Me - Sure .

Then I charged towards them .Punched ,kicked and done they were all knocked off .I quickly stumbled down near the women who had fell down and placed her head on my lap .I shook her ,she gently squinted her eyes but she again closed her eyes and fell unconsious .I had no choice so I called the ambulance and took her to a hospital .I had put her money back into her purse and handed it the nurse and paid the hospital charges with my own money cuz it was wrong to take money from that women's purse and went home .


Meanwhile with the women in the hospital 

Women's P.O.V

I woke up and saw I was changed into a hospital gown .I got up and sat down and examined my head it was hurting as hell then I examined my hands .A pipe was connected to my left hand .Maybe glucose.

Then I had flashback

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Then I had flashback .


I came home at 5pm from my work shift .As I was about to cook food I noticed that groceries were empty. I then got dressed up put some money in my purse and went outside as it was already late I decided to take a short cut and was walking past a alley ,then 3 men started following me .I noticed it and started walking a little bit faster .But they came closer and closer and pushed me down to the ground and started stealing money  .I tried to get up but 1 men beat me on the head with a rod .I fell down back but I could hear them .Then I overheard what they were talking.....

Men 1 - Oh what is a pretty girl doing here ??

Men 2 - Just go away kid

Men 3 - Just shoo off kid dont poke your nose into our business unless you want to get beaten up .

Girl - Sure .

Then what felt like 5 mins a girl stumbled down near me and placed my head on her lap I squinted my eyes and looked up at her she was examining me ,she had long hair , beautiful eyes and cute nose but I couldn't hold it anymore and closed my eyes and went into a deep sleep .I was taken aback from my flashback by a nurse who had entered the room .

Nurse - How are feeling Mam??

Me - Im good but my head hurts a lot.

Nurse - Cuz you were beaten by a rod Mam ,If that girl had  brought you a minute late ,you would have slipped into a coma.

Me - Coma ???

Nurse - Ya ..A big thanks to that girl.And she gave me purse .I assume its yours .?

Me - Ya .Btw I have to go now .Money?

Nurse - I forgot to mention that the girl paid it .

Me - What? By any way do you know her name ?!

Nurse - Sorry Mam She left immediately after paying .

Me - Oh ,I will definetely repay her when I get to met her again .

Then I called a taxi and went home .Then I was meet by my worried son .I explained what happened and blah blah end of the day .


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