Chapter five: Mi Amore

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Giovanni's POV:

She leaves to get to the toilet. Her red dress flows behind her and I eye her figure. She has a nice body. Not the the all thin type of girl, but someone who can clearly beat your ass.

Speaking of that ass...damn!

"So Giovanni, I'm desperate to know about your leading skills". Mister Matisse asks. And with that, I explain to him, which allies I have made up for the De' Bardi's and how I'm keeping the respect among my workers.

I'm in the middle of the conversation, as she enters the room again. I let myself have a quick side eye to her, but than fully concentrate on Mister Matisse. She is not worth my attention, for now, at least.

"I guess we won't have any problems in further future with you as my son". I chuckle and desert gets served.

It's very cliche; tiramisu with a cherry on top. Me and my brothers start talking about the upcoming events, as my father speaks up.

"Caroline". She looks up and there is no fear in her eyes, only a steady barrier.


"I think we can sign up the contract tomorrow night. We all want to have it settled as soon as possible". He doesn't wait for her to response and turns to his plate.

I can see her anger build up, but like a good girl, she swallows the lump down and stays calm.


Luckily nothing, except for Caroline's little outburst, went wrong at the dinner. As we wanted to leave, I let myself get a little bit behind my family and wait 'till Caroline approaches me.

I hold my figure strong and straight.

"Well, we will see us tomorrow night mi amore". I take her hand in mine and kiss it.

She blinks two times and then snatches her hand out of my grip. With a disgusted face, she takes a few steps back and rubs her hand on her tight dress.

"I haven't told you tonight how beautiful you look, tesorina".

Her eyes narrow, until I can't see the white anymore. "I'm not your little treasure and for sure not your love!". She comes back to me and whispers in my ear.

"For your information, I will be the death of yours". She grins wickedly at me and distance herself.

"Giovanni sbrigati". (Hurry up) Alessandro yells from behind and I watch my brothers vanish into the van.

"Oh I'm sure you will. I will see you tomorrow mia moglie". I say with a hardened expression and follow my family outside.

I have to show her what she gets herself into. I won't be the shorter one in this arranged marriage. I walk down the stairs without looking back and slip into the car instead.

"I'm proud of you, if the contract will be signed tomorrow, than we won't have to worry about that anymore".

I slightly nod and watch the moon rise up.

"Which house do you want me to have?". I ask. We own millions of territories with, or without houses on it.

"I guess, since you really impressed your father in law, you can choose for yourself".

"Thanks father".


We reach my childhood home (where I haven't spent much of my childhood in) and I rush to get some alone time.

In my bedroom, I get myself ready for the night and tell myself, to just sign this fucking contract tomorrow and everything will be back to normal. She is like every other women out there. I can handle her, it's not like she is the devil herself.

I let the water splash me awake. I wish father would have chosen an ugly wife for me, because then, I wouldn't have the urge to touch her. And clearly, she won't be enjoying my touch, nor even my presence.

I give up.

I already give up. I'm a man, who always loved himself more than anything else, and now, I have to share my life with someone I don't like.

I just hope, that my father or her's, won't insist on having an actual wedding. It's hard enough to survive living in the same house with her, I suppose.

It's not like I don't know Caroline Matisse. Oh, I bet throughout Italy knows her. There are some mystery's and crazy stories, that get shared all over the country about her.

Apparently she loves to murder innocent people, to suppress the victims, that have done damage to her fathers empire.

I met her one time at a mafia meet. She sat next to her father, one of the few women's on the table and listened carefully at the conversations and deals that where made.

She knows the business well enough to compete with me and now she is my business, I have to get her under my control.

It'll be a shame if I, Giovanni De' Bardi, won't get such a little girl under my spell. The second she will enter our home, she won't have much to say or do anymore.

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