Chapter fourteen: Seductive

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That night I cried myself to sleep. Notice that: I never cry myself to sleep. I refuse to give in and show emotions.

As I woke up, it was already noon and I had still some time left to get myself ready for the ball. I crawled out of bed, straight to the bathroom.

Without knocking, I storm inside and see the foggy mirror and shower sounds. My eyes travel along side the humid walls, until I lock them with his.

I don't dare to let my vision go further, but his face streaming with water drops is already a pleasure to see.

Even if I wanted to go out, I just simply couldn't. His black hair was strained and his black orbs stained my skin.

Slowly, he stops the water, launches forward to his towel and secured it right below his bulge. I frown, why was he erected?

"What are you think you're doing here, Caro".

"Tze". I snap with my lips.

"You don't have to call me darling, Giovanni. I think we are way pass this level of communication".

He shoots me a look and then starts to shave his cheeks.

"Maybe I just cut you're name short".

"The way you pronounced it, had made me think differently". I say and walk over to him.

I'm well aware of his Greek God body next to me, but I ignore his surprised look when I bent down to take out my shower supplies.

"I need to shower here". I statement and lean onto the marble, which still feels wet.

"And why is that so? We have plenty of other bathrooms here". He adds and washes his face.

"Too bad, but all my things are here". He shakes his head. "Don't play this game Caroline!".

I cock my head aside, my blond waves are caressing my shoulder. "What game Giovanni?". I pat my eyelashes at him and grin.

"Santo cielo, stop it already". (My goodness)

"I clearly don't know what you mean". With that I turn around and undress my sleeping shirt. There wasn't much to undress tho, because I preferred sleeping with barely any clothes on.

I let the top drop to the floor and peak over my shoulder and see him clenching his fists.

I'm convinced again how easy it is for women to distract men. "Caroline!". He demands, but I completely ignore his presence.

I'm loosening my shorts and step out.

I pull open the water and let myself get used to the temperature. Since the shower is separated with a glass wall, I notice him watching every curve of my body with desire in his eyes.

I click open my shampoo, pour it over my head and massage it into my blond hair. Here and there, I tease him with a moan and then I wash it slowly off.

Knowing, that his eyes are still clued on my naked skin, I turn around to let him have the full view.

I take the sponge and mix it up with my body wash. I place one foot on the marble floor and bend down to cover every centimeter on my skin with soap.

I hear him approach me, without the towel around his hips.

The water between us turns into fog and I switch positions. I act like the soap got into my eyes and I need to rinse it off.

What a game to play. I cheer inside.

Through the reflection, I sense him putting his fingertips on my waist. I inhale sharply and freeze.

Electricity runs through my body by his touch.
Slightly, he puts his bottom lip on my neck and travels down to my collar bone. His arms are circling me from behind and I notice the coldness around him.

There is no fire in his touch or hot desire, instead, I feel deathly coldness surrounding everything what he's doing.

I close my eyes and lean into his touch. His breath let me almost loose control fully.

"Don't go and try to seduce me, mi amore. I know that you're way to clever to loose yourself to a man like me, but certainly, you're too blind to see that two can play this game". He breathes out and suddenly steps away from me.

I hear the door shut close and I have to steady myself on the wall. My knees are trembling and shaking.

He might think that I have power over me and him, but what he doesn't know is, that I was almost ready to give him all of me.

And that's what I fear the most. Giving anyone all of me, even if it is just a little, men are more likely to run away from me.

But he stayed.

I gulp down my thoughts and start rubbing myself dry. My inner self is throbbing and screaming for his touch.

With loudly curses, I vanish in my room, just to suspect that my dress isn't there where it supposed to be.

With the towel wrapped around me, I burst into his room. And I see my dress hanging on his wardrobe.

"Why is it there?". He looks to the dress first and then at me.

"Need to check if it's appropriate enough for the event. Since the back is so focused on, I thought, that I can help you with zipping it".

"Don't you think I haven't notice that devilish smile of yours". I say, holding my finger up in the air.

"Not a game Caroline, a favor".

"Favor for what?". The corner of his lips are pulled up.

"For tonight". He presses through his husky voice. Goosebumps travel all down my body and I make it- hopefully well -for him not to notice.

"Well than". I say and drop the towel.

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