Chapter fifty-nine: Teasing

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*Insp. from the Spanish love deception by Elena Armas*

He leads me to his study on the other end of the hallway, his fingers clutch tightly around me and for a split second I feel his heartbeat picking up pace. "Giovanni?". I ask when he opens the door and pushes me towards his desk. I frown and turn back to him. He licks his lips and his gaze that's plastered on me, makes my breath stumble. Then very slowly, he walks up to me, leaves a good inch between us and drops his head to my ear.

"Caroline". His nose brushes my earlobe.

I just whimper in response.

"I want you laying on my desk".

"Okay". I say.

"I want you bare on my desk". My knees feel weak and he walks back to the door. Watching me undressing myself. My fingertips lift up my top and I let it drop down. The tension rises with every cloth on the floor. My teeth claps into my bottom lip, I'm standing in only panties in front of him and strike with a sexy hip swing to his desk.

"I want to play with you". He says. I press my lips together and widen my legs for him.

"You do? What if you can't touch it? Huh, would it make you more turned on or would you like me to be your slut?". I say, grinning, showing of my teeth.

I like playing with you too, Giovanni

My flat stomach, exposed to him, a pregnant stomach, which doesn't show off any clue. He still watches me closely and runs his tongue inside his cheek.

"You watch that pretty little mouth of yours, before I fuck it". He growls and his stare drops to my pink.

I saw the challenge to push him more, and even if it would be turned out ugly. Hopefully an ugly fuck.

"I would be more carful". He raises an eyebrow. "And why is that so, don't you think I can take you here and now, pushing my dick in you dripping cunt, feeling the shit out of you, making you come with that baby in you, huh? Do not underestimate me". I wander with my hand down to my center, brushing through the trimmed black hair, to the entrance of men getting weak. His veins push out and he grips the drawer next to him tight.

"What a shame that I fucked someone else last, pushing away your cells in my body, replacing them with new". His nostrils flatter open and his chest lifts up heavy. I circle the sweet spot and push one finger in, tilting my head a little and whine out.

"What a shame Giovanni, you didn't made me stay".

He goes quiet, narrowing his eyes at me. I see his erection pushing against his pants. I swirl in my juice, pushing my hips forward to increase the orgasm to chase me.

"Mhm". I moan and drop my head back, picking up pace, fucking myself rough and fast. It's so fucking hot to watch him being jealous.

"Giovanni, kiss me like you miss me, fuck me like you hate me". Suddenly all his patience is gone and he storms to me, ripping his clothes away in the process. I am open and ready for him to fill me.

"Get your hand off what's mine". He grits his teeth together and I watch his muscle play. His hands are shaking when he presses my hips unmerciful against the wood. I wrap my legs around his torso to push him inside me. He shakes his head and his tip slightly touches my lips. "Shit". I curse and try to get him closer.

When he lifts his mouth from my scared skin, his gaze returns to my eyes. "Tell me you want me".

"No". I say stern.

"Oh you will, aren't your my little slut, huh?".

"You think you can make me your slut, like you did it with all the others before me? But guess what Giovanni, I will always try and make you drop to your knees". I accompanied my statement with a push of my hips into him. "And now prove me wrong". I breathed, pushing again.

"Fucking bitch". Feeling how his cock slides inside me just a sliver. Not enough to make me clench around him. His mouth tucks and he loves to make me built up my need.

Gripping my wrist and hold them above me, he thrusts into me, filling me completely and sending my head, my body, my shoulders to a whole new galaxy. "Oh fuck". I whimper, blissfully full. Giovannis grunt falls against my temple.

"Caroline". He grouses, rocking against me and making my pussy clench around him, forcing his cum drop inside me. The desk starts to rock over the packet and so does my body.

"Stop being a tease". He warns me. I just intertwine my feet behind his back and press myself into him. His dick fucks me good and tight.

"So wet for me amore". Finally he frees my wrists and I plug at his scalp. "Giovanni". I call out his name with closed eyes. My tits jump up and down, that's how fast and deep he takes me. Pushing in the exact sweet spot.

"Oh fuck don't stop, Giovanni!". He growls and fucks me steady.

My whimper fills the room. I watch him gritting his teeth together and breathing heavily. "Shit, I am close". I scream out when my pussy clenches tight, too tight to hold it in. "I-".

"No! You don't come until I made you learn your lesson!".

"I-I can't hold it".

"You will you don't have a choice". He growls. Then he continues using my body and making me almost bursting out into flames.

"Ah I ca-can't hold it in please, please Giovanni".

"Beg for it". He grits out and I stare at him. He stares back, waiting for me to obey and still fucking me relentlessly.

Madly I turn my head, but his hand grip my chin. "Beg for it and I let you come".


"Lets see how long you'll last then". He groans as he leaves me unfulfilled. Only patting me slightly with his tip. The feeling starts to take advantage of me. "Mhm come on say it, amore". He whispers and smiles devilish.

"Fuck". My eyes are closed. "Please Giovanni, make me come".

"Thats how I want it". He thrusts into me again and pushing me over the edge completely. We both lose it shortly afterwards. I burst out into moans and grab his shoulder to steady me, while he still fucks me.

"Fuck Giovanni!". I scream and then he spills into me, biting my tits and stills. My nipple feels stiff and hard in his warm mouth. His tongue starts to swirl lazily around them.

I feel my heart run a thousand times faster and I drop my head against the desk. Breathing in and out, to gain my mind back.

Giovanni leans forward and starts sucking my skin, right below my ear.

"We should do that more often". He admits, coming up again.

"You mean fucking or teasing each other?".

"Both, but next time I'll take you from behind".

I roll my eyes back.

My lips find his. "Next time I'm riding your dick until you beg me". His huskily laugh ripples through his chest.

"I love you more than the teasing, Caroline".

"I love you more than the fucking, just a tiny bit". He smiles against my lips.


I am sitting right now in the Black Forest, writing smut around my family with a straight face. I definitely thing I increased my smut writing with some inspiration. I hope y'all had a wonderful Christmas Eve and read your little smutty book. Let me know how your Christmas went<3

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