Chapter thirty-two: Home

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Giovanni's POV:

Caroline exits the door and I follow her close behind. She will not run away from this!

I grab a hold of her hand and jerk her into a dark sideway. She fights my grip, but I have already pinned her against the wall, with my arms caging her. „Who is Eden and why do you act so surprise that he is among us?". I gaze at her and dip down, inches away from her lips. „Obey". I whisper. She pushes her hands against my chest to make me lose balance.

„I will not fucking obey you! Eden has nothing you have to worry about, so drag your ass around and leave me alone". I fix her throat and stare her unmerciful down. "Do not speak with me that way". She sighs and leans her head against the wall. After she has gathered herself back in, she swallows and starts speaking.

"Eden was my very first kill and also my first love at the age of twelve. Father has made me stab him until he would suffocate on his own blood".


She laughs. "Because someone like me couldn't fall in love with someone like him. Emotions have no meaning in this business... I'm trained to kill not to love". Her eyes widen at her own statement. I know that feeling, when you start realizing how much of a wreck you actually are.

Little by little, peace's break in her facade. Soon enough she'll be broken, she will burst out into flames and try to fight it alone. But she doesn't need to, she doesn't need to fulfill her fathers expectations on her own.

"Giovanni?". I caress her cheek with my thumb and hook my index finger behind her ear.

"What?". Her eyebrows are twitched together and her grip on my arm looses. "I want to go home".

Home, not a house anymore, not a forced building to live, a home with good memories and a heartwarming feeling. I nod and pull her into a hug. I kiss her head and rub her back slowly. "Shh, let's get you home, principessa".

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