Chapter twenty-one: Ventisei

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Giovannis POV:

I'm eating pasta, as she storms in and pushes a paper onto the table, I look up to her and narrow my eyes together. "Where have you been this long?". Her hair is a mess and she smells like...something cold and metal. Her lips are plump and look like she has been biting them for at least two hours straight. "Again non of your business". I huff. "But this is, or?". I point at the letter, she removes her hand and let me have a look.

My eyebrow crease and I study the drawing. "What is this?". She turns her heels and circles the kitchen isle. With one hand she throws her hair over the shoulder and faces me again. "I have been researching, because I had a suspicion". "And were you right?". She grins wickedly. "I assume so". I say.

"Shut up and let me explain". I lean back in my chair and push open my legs, to get comfortable. I observe her movements, its like an automatic thing. Her lips moving or when she lets her eyes spark when she talks about something she enjoys.

"I have been killing since I was twelve years old, and at the age of sixteen I got interacted with a gang, more like a mafia, but since their name isn't so popular around here, I prefer calling them so. Anyway, I never met the leader of them, even though I killed some of his men. I always wanted to get to him, but there isn't any way, so I dropped it and moved on killing easier victims. But". She approaches the table and holds up the paper.

"I remembered that every men I killed of them, had this tattooed on their torso, the left side pretty low. No one really knows their name, but I tortured one men and he spit it out". I haven't even noticed how I leaned forward, with my elbows on my knees. "Tell me". I say.

She takes a long breath and then: "The tattoo shows a full on black snake and it stands for ventisei". "That's the Italian word for twenty-six". I notice and she nods. "Yes, I don't know why they have called like this, but it has a meaning and a deep one".


I'm laying wide awake in my bed. My head can't fall asleep. It's been a long day and tomorrow too, I need that sleep. But somehow I can't get my thoughts of that thing with ventisei. Who are they, what are they and why ventisei/twenty-six? I roll over to the other side and I look up the ceiling.

"Whatever". I say and get up to her room. I don't knock, surely she's already asleep. I lean against the door frame and cross my arms. Her cheek is slightly pushed up from her pillow, she looks cute that way. My eyes travel over her bare thigh and along her curves that are hid by the blanket. The blond hair swirls like golden vanilla over her shoulder and circles her back.

She moves a bit and the blanket reveals her nightgown. It's a red lace satin dress, way too short and way to fucking hot.

Somehow my legs ruled over my head and I stop right in front of her. I trace the end of the dress with my finger, until I touch her warm thigh. The golden skin shines in the moonlight and I lick my lips. I bend down, hover over her face. I brush the strain of her hair away from her nose. I quietly look at her nose, eyes and then her plump lips. I smirk and kiss her temple.

"Goodnight princess".

A shorter chapter but why is it so damn cute, even tho I hate too much emotions✋🏼😩. Maybe the ice starts to melt, who knows...
*words count=643*

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