Chapter seventy: Unkind

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Theresia's hand wraps around my own. I can't take my eyes off of the chair he just sat in. Something cold puts it's claws around my heart. The way he stormed out made the wind crash my face. That's when I noticed that my whole head is on fire. "Did you took your medication?". Her soft voice fills my ears. I blankly nod and stay silent.

"Tell me". I meet her eyes. "Tell me what happened". I want to know what everybody around me apparently knows. I hate to stay in the dark about my family.

"The night before you suddenly left and didn't answer your phone, Giovanni knocked on the door. I was staying over for the night, because I had too much to drink. Mom and dad went to sleep after we celebrate the cooperation with Calloway Couture".

Jealously takes over my blood. Theresia was always in the position to call mother and father, mom and dad. Something that was spared from me, because of my position in the mafia. Though, guilt swirls around me as soon as she mentions the cooperation. Theresia always wanted to be a part of Rose Calloway's Couture, she blew up my phone because of this. And I wasn't there to congratulate her.

"Sorry". She shakes her head. "Oh don't be, you've gotten enough on your plate". The pity in her eyes makes me fix my spine.

"Continue". I mutter and stare at the chair cushions. "Well, I opened the door, a little bit tipsy, but conscious enough to take part of the conversation". She clears her throat. "He was outrages, I noticed that he carried something under his shirt, but I couldn't make it out in the dark, until it was too late. Briar was in the house, because". I nod, signalizing her that I'm in the clear about that.

"That was the reason why everyone went to sleep earlier, that night, then usual. I guess his luck was on his side. He started talking—more like screaming—about Eden uhhmm, I remember him saying that he's a son of a bitch, a bastard who wanted to take you away from him, who wanted to firm it".

I cringe at those words. What did Eden could possible firm?

"I didn't want him to come in so I blocked the door. Bad decision. He ran me over and I fell on my knees, I caught him running up the stairs. I guess I was more tipsy than I expected, I shut the door and chased after him. He disappeared on the staircase and then I heard him approach Eden's room. It was all so blurry around me and the lights illuminated the floor across. I don't know why I picked up the weapon dad hides in the drawer by the nightstand, but I took it with me and followed him. I had a very bad feeling about this whole situation and I would be a witness of it, sooner, than I thought. Giovanni started arguing with Eden about something I couldn't make sense of, I approached them in the shadow of the light and hid behind the curtain. They both went crazy after that, threatening each other, blaring out what power they had, on and on. At this point I remember thinking, I read the room wrong and they just had to handle something out, but then Giovanni brought a gun under his shirt out, he held it against Edens head and whispered to him cruel words".

My arm wets, Theresias thick tears overtook her and she stares into nothing.

"It's fine you don't need to go any further". Her lips are white and her fingers press into the mattress.

"Where are mother and father?". I dare to ask after she found her voice again. My head rolls over my shoulder as I look up to her. "No Caroline". I gasp. "They didn't want to come".

They didn't wanted to see the living proof of what they told me all these years ago what wouldn't happen.

A cold hearted laugh escapes my lips. "So typical of them. You know, I wonder why I even ask anymore, that stupid bastard isn't even my biological father and he treated me badly. Mother didn't gave a single fuck about what happened to her youngest one and you were always the glorious daughter who couldn't do anything wrong".

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