4 | level of concern

23 2 6

                                                                just need you to tell me we're aright, 

                                                                                 tell me we're okay

I didn't sleep all night. Not only was there too much on my mind, but I didn't feel like going in just to be plagued with nightmares.

I listened to the storm go on for most of the night, resting but not sleeping.

Peter came out of his room fairly early, around seven. "Hi," I said when he was in the kitchen, his back to me.

He spun around quickly, then his eyes got all wide, "Oh, sorry I, uh, I didn't realize you were up. Scared me bit. Do you want anything to eat or something?" he asked.

"I'd love something to eat," I admitted. I hadn't eaten a real meal since the coffee shop I bought a few things from when I first ran away, and I was ravishing.

"Well, I was going to try to make some pancakes. Want some?"

"Of course!"

Peter was awful at making pancakes. I heard a splat from the couch and looked over to see half of a pancake on the floor, only cooked on one side, and the rest of it was still dough, dripping down Peter's shirt. He looked at me innocently and shrugged.

"Do you need some help?" I laughed.

He nodded, "I don't know how to flip pancakes."

I came over to the kitchen and took the spatula out of his hand. The pancakes that weren't flipped were a little burnt on the one side, but good enough to eat. Once Peter had cleaned up the mess of dough on the floor and on himself, we sat down to eat.

The pancakes weren't anything special, but they were still good. It felt amazing to finally eat a real meal. As we were eating the door creaked open and a woman walked in carrying a raincoat and a large purse.

"Peter, did you make something?" She sounded surprised, then saw us at the table, "Oh, Heather! Pepper was worried sick about you the other day, she had called to see if you'd come here. I'm so glad your okay. How are you feeling?"

It was a lot to take in. First, she sounded so happy to see me, which was odd because I don't think I've ever met her. It seemed to be happening lot lately, what with Pepper knowing Peter, now this woman knowing me. Maybe I was losing my memory, or got amnesia.

She also said that Pepper called her, which is strange. They both said I would be here. Why?

"I'm sorry, do I know you?" I asked her, standing up from the table.

"Of course you know me, it's May, Peter's aunt," she said dumbfounded. "Are you okay, Heather?"

I didn't know what to do. I scrunched my eyebrows together, racking my brain, trying to remember where I knew her from, but nothing. I started to breath hard again. Was I not remembering something? Maybe I'm hallucinating things?

"Aunt May," Peter stepped in, "Stop, you're scaring her. I don't think you've met her before, I just let her stay because she was out alone in the rain last night." He explained.

She looked taken aback, dumb struck. "You two don't know each other?" She said, pointing her pointer finger between us.

We both shook our head and she ran to pick up her phone.


Turns out she was calling the Avengers because Natasha Romanoff showed up at the door thirty minutes later. Nat had always been an older sister/aunt kind of person to me, so I was happy to see her, but also extremely confused.

Her and May whispered a few things to each other across the room, while Peter and I looked atone another, exchanging anxious glares. The whispering stopped and Nat came around and told me to come with her out side of the apartment.

"Nat, what is going-"

"Ump ump ump, me first," She cut me off, "You don't know Peter, or his aunt?" She asked me.

"I don't think so." I responded. "Peter let me stay last night because of the storm, and May just walked in a bit ago. But Nat, it seems like everyone thinks I should know something that I don't." I told her about the call with Pepper last night, and hoe May knew me when she came home.

"Listen, I want you to stay here for a while. I think it will be safer." She said.

"What?! Is everything okay? And what about the funeral?" I said bewildered. Now I'd stay here? I just didn't understand.

"You can come to the funeral, and I'll let Pepper know. I just- something isn't right."

Peter's pov

I have no idea what's happening.

Last night when I found Heather on the street, she felt familiar, but I pushed it away, I've talked to so many people as Spider-Man, she was probably someone I'd helped at some point. But I was starting to doubt that now.

Not only did Aunt May know her, but she is Mr. Stark's daughter, how could I have never met her before? I can't shake the feeling that I know her. Being around her feels like fighting something off, like I'm reaching out with all my strength just to come back empty handed. It feels like it's on the tip of my tongue, but also far away.

Natasha came over because of something. She took Heather outside a few minutes ago, so it's just Aunt May and I.

"Peter, are you sure you don't recognize her?" May asked for the hundredth time. It was getting kind of annoying since she wouldn't tell me why I should know her.

I nodded.

Natasha came back in with Heather and nodded to me. I walked over and she closed the door behind her. "Listen Parker, I'm not sure what this is, but if you know something you'd better speak up." She was a little scary, I'm not gonna lie.

"I swear, I don't know. I don't know Heather but I feel like I should. It's weird." I tried to explain.

She looked at me, "What do you mean you feel like you should?"

I took a deep breath, "I don't know. It's like she is so familiar and yet I can't remember ever seeing her before last night." I described, "I don't know, sorry."

Natasha nodded and walked back into the apartment. When we were inside she looked at us all and said, "Great to see you all, but I got to run." The she pointed at Heather, "She's staying here until I find out what this is," then she turned to me, "Make sure she stays safe."

a/n: this chapter is brought to you by teddy grahams, without them i wouldn't have the energy to write this. anyhoo, hope you like it, i have very big plans for this and i can't wait to show how it plays out.

lemme know your theories on why everyone thinks peter and heather know each other. sorry if it seemed repetitive with that whole thing but i needed to emphasize the importance of it.


also if you haven't noticed, all the chapter titles are song names. the songs kind of correspond with what's happening but not really.

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