15 | bohemian rhapsody

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                                                                          just killed a man 

                                 put a gun against his head,  pulled my trigger, now he's dead

Peter's pov

It had been a few days in the car garage and I think Heather was losing her mind.

She was spinning in circles with her hands out and falling into cars. At least it's better than before when she was stomping around and yelling in my face. The only thing she's had to eat is a chocolate bar a day. She insists that she is fine, but from the looks of it she's a bit woozy.

On the other hand she doesn't want to steal more food, so I knew she was herself again.


I heard from behind a car. I walked over and sighed, there she is, on the concrete floor, her hair sprawled out on the ground and her arms out beside her.

"Can you see the stars, Pete?" she laughed.

"Nope, but get up, we're going out today."

She perked her head up and I saw her mind thinking from her facial expressions. First her nose was all scrunched up and she was confused, then excited washed over her features as she jumped up and skipped over to follow me out.

"What's the special occasion?" Heather asked me.

I smiled at her, "We're going to get you some food."

She hummed a reply and just kept walking beside me. I guided us over to an alleyway and told her to stay there, while I got some food. I had three dollars and fortunately was not wanted for murder.

I walked up to a small shop that I spotted on the side of the road a few days ago from the window in the garage. One cheeseburger for a dollar fifty, it was just enough for the two of us.

"Hello sir," I greeted the man behind the stand, "two cheeseburgers please."

The guy had a giant mustache and looked extremely angry, but he handed me both of them. The warmth of the fresh burgers was enough to warm up my hands from the chilling atmosphere.

When I got back to the alleyway that I left Heather in, she was there with company. A dog. She had a Dalmatian, covered in dirt, on her lap. The dog was definitely not a puppy, young, but fully grown, and with a black dot over one of his eyes.

"Heather, what are you doing?" I got her attention and she looked over at me excited.

"Peter, I found a dog!" she exclaimed. I swear she is addicted to dogs.

"I see that."

She looked at me all sweet and innocent-like, "Can we keep him?" she begged.

"Keep him?" I asked, "We don't even have a house to keep him in."

"But he's a stray, he doesn't have a home either," Heather responded.

Just before I could say anything else to her the dog started barking like crazy. He kept barking louder and louder and stood up defensively in front of us. Heather tried to calm him down, but he wasn't having it.

I heard someone walking further down behind one of the trash cans. "I think the dog sees someone," I whispered to her.

"Hey!" Heather screamed, "Come on out, We're not scarce of you!" I'm going to kill her, if she doesn't get killed before that. Why would she do that?

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