7 | talking to the moon

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                                                            talking to the moon trying to get to you 

                                                in hope you're on the other side  talking to me too


I open my eyes, and I swear to god, I was almost hit by a car. 

BEEP! The horns of cars stopping in the intersection blared in my ears. I looked around, why was I in the middle of the road? I put my hand up, thanking the drivers form not running me over and ran over to the sidewalk. 

Did Rosie just drop me off here? Did I get out that easily? 

But the more I looked at my surroundings, I realized that I was not in Queens anymore. I saw an older man with a briefcase walking by me and said, "Excuse me sir, where am I?" 

"You're in Philadelphia," he responded. 


"Yep," he looked at me a little funny, "Are you lost, dear? Where did you want to be?" 

What was I doing in Philadelphia? That was almost two and a half hours from Queens. 

"Yes, actually, do you know where the nearest train station is?" 

The man pointed behind him, "About three blocks down that way."

I thanked him and ran off. I needed to get back to Peter's apartment. I needed to see him now that I knew, now that I remembered everything. and I needed to tell him about Rosie, she could be dangerous. 


I knocked on the door. 

I saw Aunt May when she opened the door, "May! Is Peter there?"  I looked passed her shoulder, trying to see if I could see him in the living room.

She scrunched up her eyebrows in confusion, "I'm sorry, I don't know a Peter, I live here by myself. Do I know you?"  she said. 

I was caught off balance, she lived alone? "You don't know Peter? Peter Parker?" I asked. 

"No, never heard of him," she stated. 

"He's your nephew though, you have to know him, he's been here for almost all his life!" I insisted. What was this? 

"I'm sorry, I can't help you." And the door closed. I blinked a few times, puzzled. I didn't know what this was, but what I did know was that I had to find Peter. 

I started at his school, Midtown School of Science and Technology. Now that I remembered our history, I remembered Ned, Peter's best friend. (besides me of course) I kind of just walked into the school, which I guess was kind of weird, considering the school day would have started hours ago.

Luckily, everyone was in the hallway, at their lockers, so I could find him easily. I walked passed each locker and looked at each person until I found him, talking with MJ, Peter's other friend who I had met a few times. 

"Hi guys," I said, walking up to them. 

They both turned over to me, "Oh, hello?" MJ said, but it was more like a question. 

"Do either of you know where Peter is right now?" I tried to act happy, but I was kind of freaking out inside. 

"I'm sorry, do we know you?" Ned asked me. 

"Well, maybe you don't remember me, I'm Heather, Peter's best friend, we've really only seen each other a few time, but I thought you would've remembered." I explained.

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