16 | problems

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                                                                 I ain't trynna think about the world

                                                                           I got too many problems 

Heather's pov

I think I'm going into shock.

I read somewhere about the stages of shock, and how they progressively get worse. I'm not sure if it is because I've been shot or if it's because I've shot someone else. Can shock be caused by something like that?

The first state of shock is low blood flow. Because of that, my heart will start to beat faster, I will breathe faster, my skin could even turn pale from all of this. My body is trying to maintain the blood flow, even though it's dropping.

I try to check myself as, who I think is Peter, is carrying me away. Is my heart beating fast? I can't even feel my heart.

The second stage is when the methods that my body is trying to use to maintain my blood flow are failing. I'm praying that I'm not there because I can't remember how long each stage is supposed to last. 

Hopefully Peter can manage to get me somewhere before I go into the third stage, because that one is fatal. It's when my body will start to fail, and at the end of stage three is when I will die.

I feel hot and clammy all over and I'm grabbing onto Peter's shirt and clawing at the fabric as he rushes me somewhere.

"Hold on, Heaz," I hear him say. Just hold on for a little longer. I can't feel the pain of the bullet in my hip, it's numb. Everything from my waist down is numb and I don't know what to do with that.

I try to look over Peter's shoulder to see where we are going but the area is fuzzy. The ground looks like it's trailing up into the sky, and the buildings are caving in on the lights by the sidewalk. The light coming from said streetlamps is blurry and yellow.

Maybe it's raining.

"Pete, Pete I really don't feel good," I tell him, and I can't even hear my voice as I'm saying it.

And then my head lolls back, and it's black.

Peter's pov

Heather has passed out after talking nonsense words. She was practically climbing up my shoulder before she froze and went limp. I won't lie, it scared me until I realized she was just unconscious.

At first, when I told her we were going to Wakanda, I had no clue how I'd manage that, I mean it is literally across the Atlantic Ocean. But I had two minutes to think about it, and I have a plan.

She still had my hoodie on from the other night, so I pulled it further over her face and ran to the nearest train station. It was extremely risky to bring her on a train like this (the possibilities of getting caught by anyone and being turned in where out of the roof)(not that we are living under a roof), but it made sense to pull the hoodie over her face if she was sleeping.

The bullet wound could definitely present a problem though, not a very normal thing to see, I'd turn her side towards me and if anyone asked, we were on our way to the hospital.

Getting to and on the train was no problem, and I was pleasantly surprised to see that no one even batted an eyelash or gave me a weird glare as we walked by with an unconscious Heather in my arms. I guess Queens just doesn't care.

It took us almost four hours to get to the closest dock. My leg was bouncing up and down in anticipation the whole way.

One lady that was sitting across from me leaned over and asked me, "Are you two dating?"

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