19 | miss americana and the heartbreak prince

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                                                              The storm is coming, but 

                                                  It's you and me, that's my whole world

The next we had gotten an invitation to a holiday festival as it was called. From what I have heard it is pretty much a dance or ball but also just a very formal celebration.

Either way, Peter and I were invited, and we were planning to go. It was one the twenty-fourth, technically Christmas eve.

I didn't know what Wakandian culture celebrated, or what holidays they have, but for us, we would celebrate Christmas.

Last Christmas, which was actually about six Christmases ago, but my last Christmas, it was just my dad, Pepper and I. We had had Christmases with some of the other Avenger before, but at the they were all kinda fighting, so it was just the three of us.

It was the first time that we were celebrating in the new facility and Dad had bought a giant tree to put up. We also had a ladder just to reach the top. I remember when he brought out an Iron Man star and told us that he made it.

"And," he said, "it's a bomb."

"Tony!" Pepper yelled, "What do we need a bomb for on top of the Christmas tree?"

He shrugged, "Just in case someone decided to attack me one of these days. It has been quite a bit."

What he didn't tell us was that it would explode automatically if it thought there was danger. So when I burnt the cookies the next day and the smoke was all over, the star exploded and blew up our tree.

This year we didn't have a tree though, but that was a bit unnecessary considering the circumstances.

It was the day of the festival and I was drinking a cup full of hot coffee when Peter came over and told me he had a gift for me.

"Pete, it's not even Christmas yet," I told him, "plus, I don't have anything for you."

"It's alright, I've been wanting to give this to you for a while, and I just feel like you need it now," he explained.

I nodded and took the tiny box he had in his hands. I opened the top to see a silver ring with a blue glowy piece in the middle.

"Pete-?" I looked at him confusedly.

"Oh my god, I just realized that I gave you a ring! I swear I'm not trying to propose to you." I laughed at him.

The ring was actually gorgeous, but I'd never seen anything like it, what with a glowing diamond in the middle. I've seen diamonds, but glowy ones? It could be an explosive.

"Heaz, me and Mr. Stark were working on this before - you know. But it's not a normal ring, it will help you to control your powers so that you can learn to use them."

I was shocked, "What? How?"

"Well, Mr. Stark did most of the programming for it so I'm not entirely sure, but it kind of goes into your brain and concentrates your powers, makes them less powerful so that it's something that you can handle until you learn to use them to their full advantage."

I hugged him and kissed him on the cheek, "Thank you, really, this is the best thing I've ever gotten," I told him while slipping it on my finger.

A little while later that day, Shuri came into the room and pulled me away to a shop filled with dresses. "We are going to get you all ready for the festival tonight!"

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