11 | way less sad

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                                                          living sucks but it's sucking just a little now 

"Rosie Rodgers, you mean the girl who we used to talk to for a little while at the Avengers place?" Peter asked, "she's the one that kidnapped you?"

"Yeah her," I told him while sipping my coffee, "and it was so scary, I was there in the bathroom one minute, and then in a chair looking at her the next." We were sitting in the corner booth at the café with Leo and talking about what happened the past week.

"And then what? She just put you under and you were in another reality? But that makes no sense, how would she do that?" He asked me so many questions I couldn't keep myself up.

"Well yes, but there was something before that too. She gave me all my memories of you back, like from when we were little kids, and when we met, all up until when she took them away." It was hard to process what had happened to me. It's hard to believe that I was kidnapped into another reality because that just sounds crazy, but I guess shit happens.

Peter looked at me with his eyebrows all scrunched up, kinda cute. "That happened to me too, right after you were taken. I got all of my memories and I remembered everything from years and years ago."

It was definitely strange. I didn't know why Rosie wanted to mess with us, or me. I also didn't know if she just wanted to get to me or both me and Peter. If she took both of our memories, it makes sense that she's against the both of us, but she also only took me. And if she did research on me, then she would know that the best way to make me angry was to take the people I loved away. So after my dad died plus losing Peter, it could have been her perfect plan.

"Peter," I looked at him over the top of my coffee cup. I can't ever lose him again because being in that place without him was like sleeping under water, with no air. "I don't want you to be taken again."

I think I was honestly a little scared because if it happened once, why won't it happen again? What if Rosie wants me back, or him?

When I put my cup down, Peter took my hands in his and said to me, "Look at me, I'm not going to let anyone take you again, okay? You don't have to worry," he said sincerely.

I nodded.

"Hey, don't be like that, I mean it. Plus, this dog isn't letting you go anywhere." he pointed out.

After that I picked up Leo's leash and we walked out, saying goodbye to Zach, the store owner's son, who worked the cashier and knew us from all the times we've come in. Sometimes, he even gave us free stuff, just because he liked us. And the puppy cups full of whipped cream that he gave to Leo were adorable. And Leo actually liked him too, which is rare because he doesn't really like anyone but me.

We walked home in comfortable silence, walking side by side.

My dad used to tell me that you knew you could trust someone if you could sit in silence without it being awkward. I guess he was right because if I did this with anyone else I'd run away because of the obvious tension.

When we got back home, which is technically Peter's apartment, but I've been here long enough to call it home, Aunt May had dinner set up on the table. Chinese takeout, and it smelled delicious.

We sat down to eat. "So how was your afternoon?" Aunt May asked us both. I loved Aunt May, she felt like my real aunt, even though I didn't know if I had any real aunts or uncles, guess that's cool.

"It was good," I replied, "we went to that café down the street for a while. And before that we went to the park to hang out and we brought Leo's ball and played fetch with him!" It felt good to be able to come home and tell her about my day.

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