5 | pain

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                                                                                      and I feel lost                                                                        

                                                                                       without you

Heather's pov 

It's been a week since Nat came over to talk to us. 

Peter's been a really good friend to me and no one seems to be pestering us about knowing each other or whatever they were talking about then. Although ever since hearing about it I feel like  the more I get to know ab out him, the more I feel like I know him, and I can't stop thinking about it. 

One day, I told him about Professor Ted, a teddy bear I had since I was twelve. I told him it was really important to me and how it always sat on my bed. But when he asked me why it meant so much to me, I couldn't answer. All I could remember was that I'd had it for years, and always treasured it.

Another day I talked about Leo, and how much I missed him. Peter said he remembered Leo from somewhere, he said it was probably because he saw my dad a lot. I didn't ask why he saw my dad because it didn't seem important. Peter also made me cry of happiness for the first time in as long as I can remember because he asked Aunt May if Leo could stay here if I was staying for a while. He told me by going out to by a dog bed, a bowl, and some food. I cried and hugged him as tight as I could. 

That was three days ago now, and the funeral is tomorrow. I feel empty if I'm being honest. Nothing is funny, nothing is sad, nothing makes me angry, I just feel numb. I still haven't gotten much sleep. Peter had a bunk bed and moved his bed to the top and let me have the bottom, so it's more of a risk to sleep and have a nightmare, not only for me, but out of fear of waking him up. Plus, it's hard to fall asleep anyway, I don't have Leo (who sleeps in my bed at home), and I'm too tired to fall asleep, which is weird and doesn't make much sense.

I was sitting over the covers one night when I asked, "Peter, how do you know my dad?" 

It took him a minute to to think before he decided what he wanted to say, "I'm an Avenger." 


He sighed and looked at me, "I'm Spider-Man." 

I nodded. Dad cared a lot about him then. Once I walked in to his lab and asked what he was making, it was a new suit for a new recruit, he told me. I didn't say anything back to him though. Didn't want to start a conversation about Dad, not really.

I pushed myself under the covers and closed my eyes, maybe I could get a little sleep tonight. 

"Goodnight, Heather." 


I sat alone at Dad's gravestone, trying to talk to him, even if most of the words were sobs. 

Then, a hand shot up out of the dirt. I screamed and backed up as far as I could before I hit another grave on my back. I looked at it: Here lies Natasha Romanoff. 

Another scream. I looked around at all the graves, each etched with a name I knew, Pepper Potts, Morgan Stark, Steve Rodgers, Peter Parker, the rest of the Avengers. The I looked back to the one that said Tony Stark, and there he was, a zombie corpse of himself standing over the grave. 

"Would you look at that, I really thought that my little rose would grow up to be a hero. But here she is, standing over the people she betrayed." Dad said.

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