2 | train wreck

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find hope in the hopeless,

pull me out of the train wreck

It's been two or three days now. I smell awful and I've eaten what I can find. Which has only been an apple that someone threw at me and perfectly fine cheesesteak that some dumbass threw away. It was cold though.

The worst part isn't even the food though, or the need for a shower, it's constantly thinking about my dad. I've been having the worst nightmares about the battle just a few days ago whenever I try to sleep. The blood and gore and just awful sights keep me up all night. Not only does it remind me of my dad, but of using my powers.

Yes, I have powers, but I hate them, and I hate using them, even if it's for a good reason. I don't like to think about my life before I was adopted much, because it was horrific. My mother who was a scientist had me and I guess thought, 'Y 'a know what would be a great use for this baby? Science experiments!' I don't think she was sane. But she went with it.

She did a bunch of tests and put a bunch of serums in me to make me a super human type thing. I'm not entirely sure why she did it, but my guess is that she wanted to get back at whoever left her with me, my biological father. I don't know why her first thought was that she should fight him with her super human of a child but like I said, she was not sane.

She documented it on the way and I was able to get the files and read about it, which was a bit traumatizing. People eventually found out what she was doing and she was sent to jail, while I went to the orphanage.

But from it all I gained powers. I can control elements, like fire, water, and air. I don't enjoy using them because it reminds me that I have them to be a weapon, and it doesn't feel good, so I just use them when it is necessary. 

The one good thing that has happened to me is the lack of rain. It hasn't rained on me since I ran away, although it looks like my luck will were off soon, because the dark grey clouds rolling in do not look like they want to make way for the sun.

I know that I can go home whenever I want to, but I also know that if I go back to that place, I'll be more of a train wreak than I already am. Plus, I don't want to go home. Not that I like living in trash, I just want to get away.

I went back to my alleyway and watched the sky. Soon enough there was thunder. Great.

The rain didn't start as a little drizzle either, it came pouring down all of a sudden, and then I was soaked head to toe. So, I sat in the alleyway, by myself, all wet and soggy like the forgotten socks in the washer, waiting for the rain to stop.


After about two hours the storm hadn't stopped. Of course the day that I'm here New York decides to have a horribly dangerous thunderstorm.

"Hey, uhm... are you okay?" I heard someone say. Who in their right mind was out right now?

I looked over and saw a boy about my age standing next to me, he looked a bit worried.

"I think so?" I said quietly. I hate that I'm shy around people. I can be so bold when I'm thinking and yet have a ton of anxiety talking to people. "Why, why are you out right now, the storm is really... kinda bad?"

"Well, I'm not really, I saw you on my way home from, from, the uhh... the park. I was there before the storm hit, it's a long walk from my place." He stumbled over a bunch of his words.

"You should probably go home then, it's just getting worse." I told him. He was just standing here and his brown hair was becoming more soaked by the minute, along with his backpack and clothes.

"Do you have somewhere to stay safe from it?" he asked.

Wow, nicest person in New York. If it was anyone else they would have looked at me with little no no sympathy, given me a side eye at my disgustingness, and walked away.

"I don't, but I'll find somewhere with a roof I'm sure." I lied. I was just going to stay here until it passed.

He looked a little concerned at that and started to scratch the back of his head, nervously thinking.

"You could stay at my place?" He said. "I mean if you want. I'm sure my aunt wouldn't mind."

I wasn't sure what to say to that. I don't think I've ever seen this boy and he was offering for me to stay at his home in the storm. Very sweet.

"No, I wouldn't want to bother you, I-I'm sure -"

"Please, I want to help you," he stated.

"Okay then..Uhm, sure thank you." I said.

I really didn't want to bother this guy by coming to his house out of nowhere,  but he was so nice and I could really use a place to stay until the rain goes away.

"I'm Peter by the way. Peter Parker."

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