9 | hold on

12 2 2

                                                                          come back, I still need you 

                                                               let me take your hand, I'll make it right

Peter's pov

Heather went to go put the necklace on, but she was taking an awfully long time, and it was starting to worry me. At first I thought she might have just been taking her time, but after ten minutes my leg was bouncing up and down, waiting for her to return.

"Is Heather okay in there?" Pepper asked. I was glad to here I wasn't the only one worried. "Morgan, just go knock on the door or something, make sure she's good please."

I heard Morgan knock and call out her name, but I couldn't hear her response. Morgan came back a minute later, "She isn't in there."

I stood up from the couch quickly and went over to check myself. I didn't stop to think about invading her privacy if she was inside, but I probably should have. As it turned out, it didn't matter if I had or hadn't, because the bathroom was empty. The three others came and stood around me, looking at the room absent of Heather.

An hour or so later, Pepper and Morgan left, saying maybe she had left on a whim to go back home. It didn't sound like her, but it was worth a shot.

They called us after a while, it was late, but Aunt May and I stayed up, awaiting their call back. She wasn't there. Pepper told us if she showed up to call her again, and I hoped with all my heart that we would need to make that call.

I hung up the phone and went to go get something to eat, I couldn't sleep, and I was stressed. As I was walking to the kitchen, I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head. It kept getting worse and worse. I grabbed my head in my hands, but in continued to grow.

The ache intensified and increased until I feel onto the ground, the last thing I saw was Aunt May rushing over to the kitchen where I had fallen, a worrisome expression on her face.


I was brought back to a memory from almost ten years ago, in the streets of New York. I saw a girl sitting alone with brown hair ad freckles dancing across her nose. I walked up to her and said, "Hi, are you okay?"

It skipped around though, now I was what could have been a few minutes later or a few days later. "I'm Heather, you know," she told me as we were earing sandwiches by a fountain at the park, watching birds come and go.

"I'm Peter," I said.

And then seconds of days and days flew through my mind. Each day at the park, or at Delmar's for sandwiches, or sitting in the streets. Three years of day after day spent with her.

I was ten now and I saw her sprinting towards me, a giant grin spreading from ear to ear plastered on her face. "You'll never guess what happened to me," she said, laughing so hard I could hardy understand her. "I was adopted!" she hugs me as she continues to laugh, but I can't help but feel slightly disappointed, I wouldn't see her everyday now.

"But Heather, how will I see you, or talk to you, what if you move across the country?"

She pulled back from hugging me, and smiled even bigger, "That's the thing, I am moving across the county. But it's okay because," she laughed and smiled some more, "Iron Man adopted me! And he is so rich, that we can buy you plane tickets to come see me every weekend, and I can call you all the time with all his cool technology!"

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