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Sup everybody! Heh, sorry about the long time upd8 :/ my grandma fell down the stairs and had to go to the hospital :0 yeah but she alright now so that's why I was off for so long...

Well I fell like giving shout outs sooooooooo...

If you can guess the name of the song and the band ya get one!

Trouble trouble maker yeah that's your middle name,

I know your no good but your stuck in my brain! And I wanna know.....

Comment the name and singer and BAM! Ya get a shout out!

Oh and I'm changing Emily's part to their tomorrow night, so it will work out and won't cram everything up :P

Alright here's the next chapter!




I gasp and accidentally let go of the glass in my hand and let it shatter on the floor around my feet.

I stand staring at the photograph of my mother sitting before me on Simon Cowell's desk.

"H-how do y-you know my m-mum?" I stuttered even though I half guessed the answer already, I just don't want to believe it.

"Your the child?" He managed to spit out after a long silence. I turned to face everybody but Simon, and Louis pulled me into a big embrace.

"What's going on?" Liam asked saying what the rest of them were most likely thinking. I pulled away from Louis and turned back to Simon.

"Yes, Simon what is going on." I spat out attempting to maintain all my anger that was coursing through me but failing miserably.

"I know Molly's mum, Angela." He spoke eyeing me wearily as if to say; 'don't make this any bigger than it needs to be.'

I was on the edge to exploding now and losing complete sense of control now.

"Oh so what the problem then?" Harry said not getting anything what's going on.

Not for long...

"Oh you don't see the problem," I tried to speak as nicely as I could, I mean, they didn't do anything wrong.

"Well why don't you tell them the problem, Dad!" I turned and yelled at Simon-my 'so called dad'.

He was speechless and completely lost, the opposite of how he was when we first walked in.

Everybody remained silent waiting, but he still couldn't speak. It was as off his vocal chords were ripped out.

"Why don't you tell them about how you supposedly loved my mother?" I bitterly spoke taking a step forward letting all the rage and anger out.

"Or why you bamged and ran? I would reeeaaallllyy love to know that!" I didn't yell but I spoke coldly and rudely enough to make an impact.

The anger was in control now.

"I-I..." He managed to say something at least but it was good enough for me.

I took another step forward.

"You left us-me wondering what I did wrong to make me dad run off."

Another step closer to him.

"And you know what I told myself?"


"I said that daddy went on an adventure or dad is a superhero! But as you get older you tend to wake up from the place where dreams come true and you find out that I was all mistake!" I cried realizing there were tears streaming down my face. I tried to take another step closer to him ready to lash out, but strong arms lifted me away and placed me behind the boys sitting on the sofa.

Music shop (Louis Tomlinson fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now