We keeping us a secret.

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hey little tea cups! :) thankyou for staying with me and my story up till now, it means alot! I know I don't get many reads but it still is great that my story is being read.

Thank you to all my new fans you guys really motivate me :)

*hands you a cute baby Dino*

Im giving a shout out to this awesome reader, every comment I get from them makes me smile :)

Keep any questions for that interview I do have a couple in my inbox.

So yeah ph and comment "I am a llama" if your reading this!!




It's been a day or two since I've actually hung out with the boys, but we've texted and we are going to hang out to day. Yay!

Im deciding on my green pants with my cute grey t-shirt with a dinosaur saying 'rawr!'.

Slipping on my favorite green and black high tops, I grab my phone and head out.

"Where you going?" my aunt called out as I made my way to the front door.

"Out, oh and BTW tonight I'm going to a party with some old...friends," I replied grabbing the keys and preparing myself for a fun day.

*Several minutes later.*

I knocked on their door and waited for a second to be greeted by Louis.

"Molly!" Louis pulled me I to a bone crushing hug.

"Can't..breathe!" I gasped as he realized and let me go, he motioned inside and I dived onto their couch. Louis made a large 'war cry' the dove right on top of me.

"HELP ME!" I screamed,

"BOO BEARS GOT ME!" we basically wrestled on the couch until I pushed Louis off of me and made a run for it.

"oh no you don't!" he yelled reaching out and grabbing one of my legs making me face-plant. Ouch!! Louis pinned me down and sat on my belly so I couldn't move.

"Say 'Louis Tomlinson is really really sexy and I have the biggest crush on him!" I laughed, I will never give in!

"NEVER!" I yelled holding back my laugh.

"what's going o- ohh GET A ROOM" Harry smirked. Geez dirty minded little boy..

"Ew why would we do that! I'll get GIRL CUTIES!" Louis yelled jumping up and helping me up afterwards.

"Your so weird," I smiled at him.

"Not so bad yourself," he said kissing the top of my head and leading me the kitchen.

"So..what'cha wanna do today?" I asked taking a seat at the counter facing Niall, head first into the frigde hunting for food.

"Well first we need to talk," Liam said spinning me around on the swirly chair to face him and the other boys.

"I'm listening," I said leaning my elbows against the counter feeling like a cowboy at a bar when I did it. (I know I'm weird- that makes me and Lou perfect-o!)

"After Eleanor left on that morning, she called Simon," Liam sighed looking at some else to continue.

"Well, he er..wasn't happy," Zayn stated. I nodded meaning 'ok I'm with you so far...'

"The next morning he called me in to have a talk-about you," Louis said jumping in and taking over wherethis was going. I raised my eyebrows confused, why would he want to talk about me? I did zilch!

"He forbidds us to see you anymore..." Louis trailed off looking to the ground for support, this time I spoke.

"I don't see what I did wrong, I mean Eleanor walked in got upset and stormed out." im soo confused right nooww!!!

"He basically said to Lou that your not famous and that's bad for our publicity...some how." Harry added. The only person who has contributed to our conversation was Niall, I turned around to see what the little leprechaun was eating. A bag of chips and a drink, not as much as I expected..

"Aww I don't wanna stop hanging out with you guys!" I wined in my seat spinning to face the rest of them.

"And I don't wanna stop hanging out with you!" Louis said giving me a comforting hug. He smelt nice- a bit like carrots though.

"Dod you just smell me?" Louis said making me look into his green/blue eyes.

"That for me to know, and for you to never find out!" I laughed. I got weird looks for the rest of them but a bright happy smile for Louis.



She was taking it better than I thought. I smiled bright at her ignoring the boys faces from her strange but funny comment.

"So we're keeping it a secret," I whispered in her ear, then grazing my bottom lips againsther earlobe.

Hehe little tease? She nodded bitting her lip, and then giving me a reassuring smile.

"So what'chas wanna do!?" she piped up, waiting for an answer.

"what do YOU wanna do?" Nail chimed in with his mouth full, making me laugh.

"Well what would you guys normally do?" I asked looking around at them again.

"PRANKS!" Louis and Harry yelled at the same time, making us all laugh together.

"What do you do?" I asked, Louis immediately stop laughing and look serious.

"You mean you've never pulled a prank?" he asked in shock. I shrugged.

"Well today is the day that is about to change!" Louis screamed picking me up over his shoulder ad running into a different room. He chucked me on the bed, and I sat the edge waiting.

"Well?" I stood up and placed my arms around neck.

"I've missed you," he murmured brushing his lips against mine, keeping his mouth shut. I felt his hands on my waist pulling me closer to his body. He moved to my neck and started giving me light kisses, sending shivers down my spine-good shivers. I bit my lip to stop my moan coming out, I'm mean before Louis and I were wrestling and Harry took THAT wrong!

"Tease," I whispered as he kissed upon my line to the corner of my mouth. I could hear him chuckle, it's not funny! I need him! He pulled away and pressed our foreheads together and once again he whispered to me,

"Your mine." was all he said then he pushed his lips lustfully against mine. Sadly as soon as it started it was over, such and tease...

"Victim 1, Harry styles."



"What are they doing in there?" Zayn asked taking a chip off Niall when he was looking.

"Each other!" I laughed, hehe. Liam shook his head.

"What, don't tell me I was the only one thinking it," I looked at the boys who didn't even bother looking at me.

"It's quiet...too quiet," Niall said breaking away from his chips and sculled his drink instead.

"We need to prepare!" Liam jumped losing all responsibility and summoning his inner pranking skills.

I'd lime to give a shout out to this lovely chic:

@OneDirectionFan001 --"E-mails"

I absolutely fell in love with her story when I started to read it! Thank for all you nice comments, they really help me continue with my story. More than once I've been tempted to drop this story entirely.


If your reading this comment "I love llamas!"

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