Eventful day

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Hey readers! Please read the authors note at the end! Thank you!




"Ready to go?" Louis asked as he opened his car door for me, after we both had a lovely breakfast made by him.

"Ready as I'll ever be." I sighed, we stepped into the car and drive towards my old home.


We had to park 100 meters or so from the shop because we could seem to find a park, when we finally got to the shop

without knocking we stepped inside the old forgotten shop, using my key I still had to the place.

"It looks the same." I smiled running my hand over the piano keys walking through taking what I've missed so dearly all in deep breaths.

"What you planing to do with all the instruments?" Louis asked me looking around the cold, small shop.

"I don't know," I shrugged walking toward stage bench where I've spent so many hours sitting on waiting for somebody to take interest and have a look inside the dainty shop.

"Maybe donate them to a school or a kids charity." I shrugged jumping up on the bench and wrapping my arms around Louis as he held me waist.

"Do you want anything Lou?" I asked putting my forehead against his so we were almost touching noses.

"I think you should keep the piano." He smiled giving me a peck on the lips quickly.

"I can barely play." I laughed pecking his lips back as he stepped closer to me as I sat on the bench.

"Well I will teach you everything I know." He promised seriously.

"Aw ok, thanks baby." I smiled rubbing my nose against his laughing quietly together. It's just those cute thingies that make me fall in love with him all over again, every single day.

"Would Niall or the other guys like something? Guitar, strings...can't harry play the drums?" I questioned hoping down from the bench slowly making my way to the door that leads upstairs to where aunt carol may or may not be drunk passed out in the ground or something similar.

"I'll ask them later." Louis answered following my to the house door. I hesitated turning the door handle, by I finally pulled it open to reveal a pigsty of a home.

"Oh my." I gasped, I guess this is what the house looks like with out me cleaning up after Carol.

"Aunt Carol?" I called out stepped over the broken plate in front of my feet. Louis remained silent holding my hand.

No one answered except a slam of a door from the back of the dirty apartment.

We silently continued to my room stepping around all the trash and one fallen chair.

Even though I didn't live here I still felt embarrassed that Louis has to see the house in such a bad state.

We continued down to my room at the very back of the house.

"This is so sad." I whispered, Louis apparently heard and squeezed my hand.

"It's will be okay."

That's what I really needed to hear right now. It gave me the strength not to break down and cry on the ground as a crumpled mess for my aunt of all the people in the world, my aunt.

I turned the knob to my old stuffy room and braced myself for whatever monstrosity state my room was in.

That's the thing.

Music shop (Louis Tomlinson fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now