skull mask

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THE THREE teens rushed towards Deena and Sam who was outside of the car just.. bloody.

"Oh shit." Simon whispered as he grabbed y/n's hand and tugged him to crouch down with him.

Y/n looked at Sam worryingly.

"Okay, we should not be down here—"

"Shut up and help me carry her." Deena interrupted Kate.

"Okay we need to leave, like ten minutes ago?!"

"We have to clear her airway." Simon whispered, reaching out for sam. Deena smacked his hand.

"Quit it!"

"Hey I got this! Chill out." Simon turned to look at Sam, reassuring her and holding up some fingers.

"How many fingers am I holding up?" He asked the girl who literally looked like she was bout to pass out.

"Three." She answered.

Simon grinned and turned back towards y/n. "See? She's fine!" Sam spat blood onto his white tee.

Everyone shouted in disgust, y/n narrowly missing the blood that could have touched him.

Simon stood up and stared at his shirt. "What the fuck?!"

The police and ambulance arrived. Sheriff Goode had began questioning everyone at the scene.



"Last name?"


Goode stared at the boy, waiting for an answer but the boy didn't seem to understand.

"What is it?" Goode tapped his own against his notepad.

"L/n." Y/n shrugged.

Goode paused, glancing at y/n who caught him looking at him and rose an eyebrow.

He really does remind me of him.

"So, y/n, you wanna tell me what happened."

"Sure my guy, here's what happened. The car crashed." Y/n nodded.

𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐝 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞 ⚘ Fear StreetWhere stories live. Discover now