The truth

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POLICE SIRENS filled the air. Josh exited the car and looked at the Sheriff's car in bewilderment.

"You okay?" Sheriff Goode asked the boy as he stepped out of his own vehicle.

Nick shut his door and raised an eyebrow. "Need help?"

"Uh, no sir. I'm good over here." Josh nodded awkwardly.

"Middle of the night. What brings you back here?" Nick took out a flashlight, looking around at the trees before shining the light in Josh's face.

"Where's your sister?"


"JOSH!" Deena screamed, grabbing a hold of Josh's arm, yanking him away from the car and Sheriff Goode.

They ran through the trees before they ran into someone. It was a man, as they were both going to scream, the man placed his hands on both of their mouths.

"Shh!" he whispered, tugging them towards a tree.

They both tried to pull the man's hands from their faces, they wanted to ask this man billions of questions.

But they couldn't. The man simply placed a hand over their mouths, keeping them silent.

"Josh? Your sister is very confused!" Goode's voice rung out.

The man slowly rose from his feet. "She's clearly suffered from a.. a breakdown! She needs help!"

The man quietly as possible, unzipped his backpack, taking out a pair of shoes. He placed them onto the ground and gestured for the siblings to follow him.

They all ran back to the road, to the sheriff's car.

Deena stopped the man. "W-wait! Who are you?" She whispered.

"My name is not important to you right now. All you need to focus on is getting the hell out of here. Now go!" The man ushered Deena inside of the car and started it.

He ran into the trees, opposite of where Nick was. Deena and Josh glanced at eachother before driving away from the road.


Milo didn't even know how to comprehend anything.

He was drinking, on the verge of passing out on the couch when he heard a knock, it startled him and sobered him up enough to answer the door and speak without slurring his words.

𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐝 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞 ⚘ Fear StreetWhere stories live. Discover now