fuck paint

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AFTER PAYING a camper to give Sheila a note, "from will", they waited until Sheila entered the outhouse.

Milo and Ziggy were outside while M/n and Nick were inside one of the stalls.

They finally heard the door to the outhouse open up, then close.

"Will! This is too cute. Could have done it in your bunk, but I guess this is kind of hot."

M/n tried not to gag, placing a hand onto his mouth to prevent himself from making any noise.

When they heard that she opened the door of the stall next to them. They waited a few more seconds before pulling the bucket, letting all of the bugs fall into her.

She screamed loudly, which made them both shoot up while laughing. They ran out of the outhouse and shut the door.

Milo ran over and jammed a screwdriver into the door, before they all ran away from it.

They ran to the science and nature cabin. They were all laughing.

"Did you hear her? She sounded like a frog!" M/n mocked her screams. "What'd i tell ya?" Nick looks over at the twin.

"Fuck paint." M/n grinned as he looked over at the male.

"Fuck paint." Nick repeated.

M/n stopped and looked over at the boy. "Who are you?"

The boy looked at the twin with an indescribable expression, letting a smile grace his handsome features.

"Nick Goode. Nice to meet you." He extended his hand towards M/n who smiled and shook it.


After a while, they began to play a game. Ziggy and Milo saw that these two needed a bit of space and decided to leave through another door, which they didn't seem to notice.

"Alright, next question. Uh.. what about you and your parents? You guys get along?" M/n's smile slowly dropped. "I thought these were supposed to be easy questions?"

"Says who? There are no rules to this game." M/n leans down and looks at the tank that still had insects as he rubbed his arm. "Gosh i hate bugs."

"Why are you dodging my question?" M/n stood up and looked at the male.

"Why do you care?"

𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐝 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞 ⚘ Fear StreetWhere stories live. Discover now