it was you?

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THEY CRAWLED inside of the dark space. They looked up, hearing Caleb's voice speak to Solomon.

They walked quietly around the room, Sarah turned her head and jumped when she saw a head. Though it wasn't a human head, thankfully, it was a pig's head. Though, it was still unsettling to find.

They continued to look around, there were many things that hung by metal hooks from the floor boards, they would once in a while exchange glances.

M/n traveled to one side of the room, seeing a crawl space that was illuminated by something on the other side.

Sarah stepped next to him, and they both crawled inside.

When they reached the other side, Sarah grabbed a stick from the wall of the small room.

It was dim, and you could barely see anything, but the fire allowed you to see what was inside of the room.

Sarah leaned over the fire and lit the the torch up. The room turned brighter.

M/n crouched down, looking at the mark that was now carved into the ground. He quickly looked away from the severed goat head that laid beside the mark.

He reached inside of the gaps, cringing a bit when he left a warm liquid submerge his fingers. He pulled out his hands, and the two teens looked at the dark substance that coated his fingers.

Sarah looked up, her eyes widening as she dropped down right next to something else. M/n turned over to look at her, she was looking at a book, the pages opened to one

𝖆 𝖘𝖎𝖒𝖕𝖑𝖊 𝖊𝖝𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊

M/n turned to look behind him, just as Solomon crawled inside of the space. All of them stood up.

"You.." Sarah whispered.

"It was you..?" M/n furrowed his eyebrows, his eyes burning.

"I'm still me." Solomon responded, looking at m/n.

"I've always been me. Only I've grown tired of watching fortune turn a blind eye to me." Sarah grabbed m/n's hand, backing away from Solomon who walked closer to them.

"How could you..?"

"How could I what? Take what we all want? What we all came here for? Power, prosperity, legacy. Consider it m/n.. Sarah, a single soul.." Solomon walked over to a rock, running his fingers over the name that was carved into it.

𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐝 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞 ⚘ Fear StreetWhere stories live. Discover now