Town meeting

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EVERYONE WAS so loud. M/n felt sick, luckily he had Solomon next to him, to check on him every once in a while.

He really should have listened to Lydia and stayed home.

A man that stood at the stand tried to calm everyone down from shouting and screaming.

"Good people of Union, listen! There is a dark evil force at work here. If we are ever to end this misery then we must root out the guilty!" The Berman spoke over the voices.

"Please, Goodman Berman! The man responsible is dead. Pastor Miller—" Solomon was interrupted by the same man.

"The pastor.. our pastor was a man of God. And this was not him!" He denied, everyone else agreeing with him.

"He was possessed by a darkness. My child, my dear Constance, and many others are dead." The Berman continued, many people listening intently, while others looked down at their laps from the mention of their lost children.

"Our futures, many of our entire bloodlines have been stolen from us. Someone must pay!"

A few men stood up from the benches, everyone making loud sounds of agreement.

Isaac looked at M/n who leaned forward, rubbing his temple with his fingers.

"I saw some little lambs of our town, laughing, dallying on the full moon last!" Mad Thomas held a crazed look in his eye.

"There were some of us in the woods, but there was no.. We drank Apple Jack. We danced. We are young. That is not a crime!" Isaac shouted to the crowd, but the people only shouted at him.


"You have sinned! You have sinned!"

Isaac backed away from the podium.

"Look upon your children. For they will bear the Devil's mark!" Thomas continued, the crowd yelling once again.

"Witchcraft! Witchcraft!"

"Yes, witchcraft. But just as my brother Solomon heroically expelled the darkness among us by killing our afflicted pastor, we too will punish and surmount this evil!" Elijah shouted, the people nodding and shouting.

"As survivors, our faces always will remain toward the sun."

"I traced it on my patrol! This scourge centers on Union proper. I've searched the woods. It does not extend beyond the settlement. It's here, it's in Union!" A watchman spoke, a few woman whispering to eachother.

𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐝 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞 ⚘ Fear StreetWhere stories live. Discover now