42: An Ending of Sorts

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"I was wondering when you were going to pop in," you grin, looking over to Liv. She stands uncertainly in the doorway, as if she doesn't know what to make of you. "Is something wrong?"

"I thought you abandoned us," she says quietly.

"Why would I do that?"

"Charlotte could've given you everything, and what can we really offer you?" Liv tenses as if she's ready to move. She'll probably just leave if your answer isn't satisfactory.

"Happiness, Liv. I would have never had to work another day in my life with Charlotte, but I would have never been truly happy again," you reply thoughtfully, going over and tenderly wrapping your arms around her. Her half-smile is reassuring.

"What about us makes you truly happy?" Her eyes are starry, like she wants you to tell her some kind of story. It's not even her asking for validation or anything, she just seems to want a glimpse into your mind.

"The fact that I have so many roommates who all get along is wonderful. We all have genuine and meaningful relationships with one another," you say, kissing her soft lips. She doesn't embrace you, but instead allows you to deliver your kiss and back away. You add in a whisper, "Also, if we're being honest, the sex is great. I never thought I'd be the only guy in an orgy with the hottest women on the planet."

"Figures; I wasn't there. You always seem to overlook me," she replies sadly, trying to pull away and leave. You hold her tight, staring into her beautiful eyes.

"Even if I tried, I couldn't overlook a masterpiece like you."

"But we hardly spend any time together."

"I was gone for awhile, Liv. Let me make up for lost time... let me make you feel good...." You muse, picking her up and kissing her. She gasps softly, but eventually melts in your embrace. After few minutes of standing there in the doorway, you put her down and let her push you onto the bed. She climbs on top of you and immediately kisses you again, like you're a drug she can't get enough of.

"Don't expect me to be gentle just because you got knocked out," she whispers evilly as she kisses your neck. As the two of you make out, your hands find their way to her round ass. You give it a couple hard spanks, each earning a tiny gasp from her.

The two of you quickly remove your clothing until you're both naked, but when everything settles Liv is sitting backwards on your chest. She slides up your chest until her pussy is in your face, and she giggles as she leans down to yours.

The 69 position isn't something you do very often, but it's pretty hot every time you do. Right now, with Liv, is no exception. She happily licks and kisses your rock-hard erection as you do the same to her sopping cunt, but Liv is too impatient. After only a minute, she's already taking your cock between her cold lips.

Determined not to be bested, you pull her waist closer and fully get into her snatch. Your tongue enters her vagina and you lick her insides; Liv moans onto your cock, but continues on.

It soon becomes apparent that Liv is blowing your cock too skillfully for you to handle. You can barely keep pleasing her because of how good she is. Nevertheless, she's the first to reach orgasm. A face full of her cum surprises you, but you slurp it up happily either way.

What Liv does next surprises you: she slides her hips forward and leans back, guiding your cock into her pussy and forcing you to fuck her (I don't know what to call this position. It's like a reverse-missionary-cowgirl). You kiss her neck, grope her tits, and fuck her hard. Your orgasm is close, and you want to overload her with pleasure while you get off.

Finally, after a few more glorious minutes, you blow your load right into her waiting pussy. She screams your name as your seed erupts into her cavern. When everything is settled, Liv turns onto her stomach and lays on you happily.

With a sudden realization, you say, "You just made me give you a baby, didn't you?"


You shake your head as she lays down next to you, and after awhile she falls asleep. You quietly get up, redress, and enter the living room. Alexa and Becky are sitting on the couch, so you go to join them.

"Hey, ladies," you say with a grin, wrapping an arm around each. Alexa, sitting on your right, cuddles into you. Becky just nods and continues watching the TV show. "How were things when I was gone?"

"Boring," Alexa replies sourly, clearly upset that you were ever gone in the first place, "But we managed. I'm glad you're back."

"Glad to be back, though you guys seem antsy." Alexa seems to know what (or rather, who) you're referring to. The girls know that Candice is friendly, but they don't trust her. Hopefully in time, they will.

"I don't know why you brought her here."

"Same reason I brought you here: she needed a place to stay. Plus, she had my back when I needed her. An enemy wouldn't have done that."

Things are quiet for a long time, and eventually Alexa goes into the kitchen. When she returns, she brings a coffee for you and herself, plus a lemonade for Becky.

"Lemonade, huh?" you joke, watching her take a sip. She looks at you with an exaggerated frown, and Alexa giggles. "Keep looking at me like that and I you'll regret it when it comes time to change diapers."

"Ye really t'ink I'm gonna do it all?"

"I dunno, the others will be all over that baby. Just pawn diaper duty off on them and nap."

"I'm glad you're the father, (Y/N)," she sighs happily, snuggling into you. You kiss her forehead, then you turn and kiss Alexa's lips. She smirks at the idea that she got more attention that Becky, but you intended it that way. She just needs a little more than the other girls do, and everyone is happy. You are even happier than they are.

After everything, you still stand tall. You may have to take some time away from the WWE, but in the meantime, look at everything around you. This house is full of women who would literally do anything for you, and the feeling is certainly mutual. One of them is pregnant with your child. The baby will be born in a month or so, and you can't wait.

Even after everything that's happened, you stand tall...

...Becky got you knocked out during a bar brawl...

...Candice went insane and exposed two sex tapes of you...

...Candice kidnapped you...

...You were forced to bow to Charlotte...

...Bayley betrayed you...

...You had to fight her and Charlotte, and you almost lost...

You almost fell so many times. The only thing that kept you going were these girls. They may have started out as flings, but each fling evolved into something beautiful. Something worth fighting for. At the end of the day, you won the fight.

Now it's time to reap the rewards. For a long time, you just sit with your friends and enjoy life. How will things ever get better than this?

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