13: Liv Morgan

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The tour is over, and you get to go back home. The plane ride is pretty long, seeing as it's taking you from southern Brazil to Florida. A forecast you saw claims that there'll be a big storm coming in and hanging around for the next few days, so you'll be stuck at home. Luckily, Renee and Alexa will be there, so you'll be able to spend some 'quality' time with the two of them.

The plane finally landed at the airport, and you head out to hail a cab. However, Tegan and Dakota are waiting there to surprise you. Both of them are grinning widely.

Tegan rolls down her window and says, "Hop in, we're taking you home."

You quickly climb into the backseat after shoving your bags in the trunk, and Tegan begins to drive. Each of them greets you individually.

"So (Y/N)," Dakota says, and you direct your attention to her, "We haven't seen your house yet, and Alexa keeps bragging about how awesome it is."

"Mind if we check it out?" concludes Tegan, and you nod into the rear view mirror. The girls squeal excitedly, and you speed towards your house listening to all of your favorite songs on the radio. After a half an hour of driving, you finally arrive at your home.

"Wow, it's big," Tegan marveled, and you couldn't help but make a comment.

"You said the same thing when you saw my dick."

"I wouldn't mind seeing it again, either."

The door swings open, and standing there is Alexa. She ushers you inside without giving Tegan the chance to pounce on you. When you turn the corner into the kitchen, you get an interesting surprise.

"Uh... hello, Becky?" you say as she gives you a big hug. Alexa looks over and winks, and you know immediately that this was her doing.

"I told Alexa what happened, and she told me I could stay here!" she replies excitedly. You tell her how awesome that is, but you're almost not happy. Like, it was fun when it was just Alexa, mainly because she's always willing to pull down her pants and let you fuck her, but with two more girls? It's starting to take effort to live here.

Suddenly, three MORE women walk into the room with us. Ruby says, "You should really lock your front door."

"What are you doing here?" Alexa asks in an accusatory manner. She apparently knows what you did with them the night before the tour, though you're not sure how. Maybe another member of the tour found out?

"The storm is starting, and our house is a couple hours away. We decided to just come here," Sarah says, smiling at you. You go to your front door and lock it, making it very clear that you don't want any more visitors.

"We never said you could stay," Alexa demands, but the Riott Squad members are already making themselves at home.

Liv replies, "Good thing we did, then."

Heavy raindrops begin to pelt the roof, and you're glad your car is parked safely in the garage. Otherwise, the rain doesn't bother you much, probably because there are eight girls in this room right now who want to fuck you.

"Everyone can stay for now, but anyone who wasn't here beforehand will be leaving when the storm passes," you announce, and the other girls agree.

With that out of your way, you head to your room to unpack. You drag out the work, secretly glad to be away from the chaos in the living room. You don't find it hard to believe they're arguing right now.

You lay down to take a nap, but Alexa walks in and sits on the bed beside you. You sit up and kiss her lightly, and she rubs your back with her head on your shoulder.

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