20: Kairi Sane

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Sometimes you wonder what management is thinking when they make decisions. For example, they're sending some of you out to record a boat trip on a day with a 98% chance of rain.

You'll go anyways, rain or not; a free yacht trip around the coast of Japan? When will you get another offer like that?

On the yacht is nearly every wrestler on the trip, but even then it won't be cramped. You'll be staying the night on the boat, and every superstar will have their own sleeping quarters with some room to spare. That's what, 25 rooms in total? Big boat.

After a short trip around the boat, you end up in the bar area. The majority of the people on the yacht are here. You walk up to the bar and order your favorite drink. As you're getting ready to pay, however...

"Get me whatever he's having, and I'm paying," Kairi says, and you turn to look at her. She arguably looks a lot prettier when she's not dressed for some anime convention.

"Thanks, but aren't I supposed to be buying you a drink?"

"Nah, fuck the norm."

"Free liquor is good enough for moi."

With your alcohol secured, Kairi leads you deep into the lower levels of the ship, all the way to her room. She has a window with the perfect view of the horizon. The two of you sit down on opposite sides of the bed and face each other.

"Okay, so what's up?" you ask, sipping on your drink. Girls don't ever lead a guy away from the crowd unless they want to fuck or have something important to say. In all honesty, you were hoping for one more than the other.

"Nothing much but fuckin' rain. Did you find Io last night?"

"Yeah, she wasn't very happy," you reply with chuckle. Yeah, 'not very happy' didn't cover it; Io was livid.

"Cool, what was she on about?"

"A personal thing." You'd rather not tell anyone what Io told you last night, even someone like Kairi.

"It was about the nudes, wasn't it," Kairi asks, and you feel backed into a corner. Most unfortunately, your brain also chooses to remember the hot sex you had with her after getting her to talk about the nudes.

"Uhh... yeah."

"Don't feel so weird, everyone knows."

You and Kairi keeping chatting until your drinks are gone and the rain has cleared up. The sun is starting to droop in the sky, nearly touching the horizon.

"The sunset is beautiful," Kairi sighs dreamily, her chin resting on her hands as she watches the sunset through the window. You move to her side of the bed and wrap an arm around her, taking in not just the beauty of the sky, but of the woman next to you as well.

"It's not as beautiful as you," you say with a smile. Slick as fuck.

"You're not so bad yourself. The scar is weird, though," she whispers, running her thumb over the bottom half of your scar. It's not as bad as it was, but it's still very much there.

"Ha. Wait till you hear how I got it." Your adventure with Becky comes to mind. You wonder what the girls back home are doing.

Kairi giggles and replies, "Maybe... wanna have sex?"

"Oh of course, but we can't do it in here. Not really sound-proof, eh?" This is not where you thought it was going, but you'll take your opportunity. You hold her tightly and kiss her. The light from the sun disappears from the room before the two of you split apart.

"Follow me, I have an idea." Kairi stands up and takes your hand, guiding you through the ship until finally reaching the kitchen. It's completely deserted by now.

"In here?"

"Who's going to come all the way up here? We'll be fine (Y/N)."

"Fair enough," you reply, pressing her up against the counter and kissing her neck. She gasps slightly, gripping the countertop for support. The slight rocking of the yacht against the waves is oddly satisfying as you make love to Kairi.

You grip the waistband of her pants, and she allows you to pull them down. However, she pushes you away as soon as she steps out of them. You see for the first time that she's wearing a g-string, and your mouth waters at the sight of her.

Kairi bends over the countertop and moves the crotch of her panties aside, giving you an incredible view of her delicious assets. To taunt you, she shakes her ass and moans ever so quietly.

"Like what you see?" she asks in a soft tone, biting her bottom lip innocently. Instead of answering, you let your pants fall to the floor and forward, forcefully grabbing her waist. Kairi puts her hand over her mouth to muffle the sharp moan she lets off when you thrust your cock inside her.

"How are you so fucking tight?" you ask in amazement. Kairi's pussy is so tight that it almost seems like she's a virgin, though you know she's not. At least, you're pretty sure that she's not.

You peel your shirt off as you continue to fuck Kairi, and she does the same. She lets out a sharp gasp as her bare stomach touches the freezing countertop. Apparently, the shock is so much that she accidentally has her first orgasm, clenching the life out of your dick as she coats it with her juices.

Kairi straightens out and turns around, still trembling a little from her orgasm. You don't hesitate to tear her skimpy little bra off and grope her breasts. She doesn't resist anything, hungry for anything she can get from you.

After a small kiss she pushes you away and gets down on her knees, hungry for the rock-hard cock positioned right in front of her face.

She begins to suck you off without so much as a word. On the contrary to the lustful encounter the two of you shared just moments before, this was a nice sort of calm. Kairi relaxed against her heels, teasing you with the idea of total confidence. Only the sound of her slurping and gagging on your cock can be heard besides the white noises of the yacht gently rocking against the waves.

The feeling of her cool lips and tongue sliding back and forth on your erection makes it throb with the longing to release its load. Kairi senses this and pulls back, closing her eyes, sticking her tongue out and waiting for her gift.

Her efforts are rewarded as your cock erupts, spilling your seed all across her pretty little face. You watch in satisfaction as she goes to great lengths to put on a show of cleaning herself up.

"We should do this more often. Maybe I'll come live with you," Kairi says quietly as she puts her shirt back on. Turns out you accidentally ripped the bra, but she doesn't seem mad.

"Not a bad idea, Kairi."

Though you've had fun tonight, both of you agree that the night is indeed over. You head your respective ways, heading back to your own rooms.

As you're dozing off, you becoming vaguely aware of the quiet ping of your phone. You grab it and are surprised to find a text from Io.

Io: r u awake?

You: no

Io: sorry, but u need to see this (INSERT VIDEO LINK)

You: tf is that

Io: i gotta get some sleep, just focus on the people

With an exaggerated sigh intended for no one but yourself, you begin to closely examine the video. The video depicts nighttime Tokyo, and two people making out against the view of the city. Wait, they're not making out, they're having sex. And that car is... no fucking way.

There's a fucking tape of your sex with Io on top of the parking garage... and it's all over the internet.

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