11: Dakota Kai and Others

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It's Thursday morning, and not much has changed since Monday. Renee Michelle is properly settled into the house, and Alexa is obsessing over her new championship belt. You are excited about yours, sure, but you don't make a huge deal out of it. Everything is pretty relaxed around the house.

Upon hearing the news of your victory over Seth for the title, Tegan invited you over to her house to celebrate. On other news, she recently made her return to wrestling, so it's kind of a double celebration.

You finish your morning routine and grab your keys to leave. You reach for the doorknob, but Renee wraps her arms around your back, momentarily preventing you from exiting the house. This is kind of annoying; she does it every time you want to go somewhere.

"Where are you off to?" she asks. It doesn't sound accusatory, but she still doesn't sound thrilled that you're leaving her.

"I'm gonna go see my friend Tegan. If you're wondering about paying your rent, you can do it when I get back," you reply as Alexa walks into the room. She doesn't know about the agreement you and Renee have, so of course she's curious.

"What rent?" she asks, and Renee turns to face her. She looks at you again, and then back at Alexa. A sly grin spreads across her face.

"You know what..." Renee suddenly says, "I'll pay my rent to Alexa instead."

Renee picks a confused Alexa up and places her onto the counter. You watch in amazement as they make out in front of you. Renee takes Alexa's pants off and begins to eat her out, and you laugh. As much as you'd like to join them, you promised to meet your friend.

Alexa cums as soon as you open the door, and you head back inside. You pull Renee's pants down, along with your own, and you begin to pound her pussy. She moans as you fuck her, and it's not long before she cums.

With a smile, Alexa gets down off the counter and allows you to press her up against it. You lift one of her legs and shove your dick inside her, causing her to moan loudly.

"You wanna cum again, huh?" you ask roughly, fucking her even harder. Alexa's face is bright red, and her face is screwed up tight. She can't handle it. Her walls squeeze your large cock.

You release your load inside of her, and finally she doesn't have a choice. She screams your name and cums all over your throbbing cock. You pull out and breathe heavily as your mixed juices drip out of her and onto the floor. You look at her exhausted body with satisfaction.

"There. Rent is paid. Any further objections to me going to see Tegan?" you ask harshly. Neither of the girls respond, and you exit the house. You'll never admit it, but that fuck was amazing. The feeling of just destroying Alexa's little body turned you on immensely.

After a few minutes, you reach Tegan's house. You knock on the door, and you hear her shout from the other side. There is a shuffling on the other side of the door, but it isn't Tegan that opens the door. It's a different girl, and she looks familiar.

"Hi, I'm Tegan's friend, Dakota," she says cheerfully, and it clicks. She's Dakota Kai, a girl from NXT she's Tegan's friend on the screen and off it, apparently. You introduce yourself, and Tegan walks up to the door. She's still adjusting her bra, and Dakota looks a little embarrassed by it. You wonder if they just had sex or something. This day is giving you a lot of imagination fuel.

"Don't be such an ass, Dakota! He's used to it," Tegan says with a wink at Dakota. She looks playfully your way, and memories of your sex flood into your brain. Dakota looks confused as Tegan kisses her on the cheek..

"So where are we going? Should we grab something to eat?" Dakota asks quickly, and you agree. Your stomach rumbles in the absence of a proper breakfast, and the sexual tension in the air is thick enough to cut with a knife. If you weren't there, Dakota would probably pounce on Tegan.

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