Chapter 4

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"Ok I'm  finally done" said halilintar holding a broomstick , he then sit down with one of the benches in the park and stared at the sky . The damage was now been stop and tok aba  kokotiam is at peace . Of course he still had to apologize to the costumers of what happened but everything is great .... That was until the peacefulness broke down by a crying voice on a tree .

At first he ignored it and just stare at his brothers cleaning but the sob grew louder , he went to the tree and saw a little girl crying nonstop .


Solar just finished cleaning the tables while thorn and gempa was fixing the shop . He took a few selfies with his phone . Ais was done with his work on the and laid on the bench . Blaze was cleaning the cups .

Solar decided to take a little walk to the park just for awhile when a sudden brother's actions caught his attention , it was his annoying brother halilintar  , how he despise him . Halilintar  was the only brother he never get along with . He could never read his brother's thought since he's never open to anyone or even social .

So it suprised him to see a kind action that was displayed before his eyes . Solar hid in a tree and starts recording the scenery .

Halilintar was trying to calm the little girl down . The girl has bruises on her arms and knee .

"What's wrong ? " Said halilintar his voice was soft and eyes in worried.

"Mm m(hic).. My (sob) (hic) ... " The stuttered girl can't complete her words.

"Ok umm how about hold your breath and count to ten and breath out " exclaimed halilintar .

The girl did what she was told and started counting after that she breath out . The girl was happy because her hiccups were gone , she told halilintar that she was 7 years old and her cat was stuck in a tree .

"Ohh that's easy , I can get him down but I might need your help " said halilintar

"Yay I wanna help " said the little girl jumping . Halilintar carried her in his right arm as they reach the small cat off the tree . To be honest the tree was quite short ......

" Thanks mister , thanks for saving mittens " said girl happily .

"No problem , cute cat " said halilintar patting the cat which only hissed at him . The little girl giggled and went away while waving goodbye to the lightning element.

Just when he was about to go , he heard a noise on the trees . It was solar's ringtone and halilintar 's eyes widen as he saw solar spying on him

"How long have you been here? " Asked halilintar .

"Long enough to know that you are a tsudere  "  said solar smirking at him .

"You can't just spy on people idiot !! That's creepy!! What are you the paparazzi?!! ". Said halilintar glaring at his brother . Then he notice he was holding a phone , he was so shocked that his brother would do this it will be embarrassing if anyone would saw a video of him being soft.

"Solar give me that Phone !!  " he tried to grab it but solar used his teleportation power to avoid him .

Just when Hali was about to used some violent methods , Gempa walked to them with a dark aura ,the two boys freezed in their places .

A loud scream was heard that startled the elements and boboiboy . They stop working when they saw gempa smiling while walking to them , solar and halilintar was behind him rubbing their red ears . Boboiboy sweatdropped he put a mental note to not test gempa's patience .

The two elementals didn't say s word and just went to their brothers . Solar went to thorn who grab a medical and herbs while halilintar  went to blaze and taufan who just laugh at him.

Halilintar just hope that no one would see that video or he will kill his young brother and feed his body to thorn's man eating plant .

But solar never actually let them see the video which confused halilintar , he just put it in his private album instead of embarrassing him .
Well atleast Hali didn't get to be humiliated but he was sure that someday solar would used it to blackmail him.


Tok aba watch the elementals including boboiboy eating their dinner , they are laughing and arguing about every little thing . The old man really miss this kind of bond
He can see that his grandson was happy and cheerful than usual . Tok aba was loss in his mind thinking of the past memories .
The whole night was filled with joy and laughter .

Finally done
I thought I was running out of ideas but stay tuned because chapter 5/6 will include amato .

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