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Author : hello , I'm sorry again for the late update , I gave you false hope on an early update haha...ha I feel guilty for that . There was no wifi left so to be fair I also had suffered !! Please forgive me ! I feel like im a bad person if I don't see any good and positive comments .

But I still want you to enjoy this last chapter !!

Warning : bad grammar mistake , English is not my mother language .....that's it .....

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The sun rises slowly and the birds chirping in such a peaceful morning , boboiboy who was known as our elemental hero was now peacefully meditating infront of the sun rise .

Everything was finally over , all the chaos and destruction were already gone and the people who had suffered during the war is finally at ease .

Commander and admiral Tarung who was worried about his health had strictly put him on bed rest and a whole month of no missions or any bad guys to capture.

Even though he convince himself to still continue doing his job , his friends were already one step ahead of him and immediately took all the missions he was supposed to do in that month break .

Even the agents from laskar station decided to take his job for the time being , boboiboy could feel how much they were worried about him so he gave up his selflessness for once .

He knows that they will always be some new threats ahead of him but this time , he just wants to enjoy the peacefulness of earth and his family.

The hero sighed in relief peacefully enjoying his morning stretching that was until.......

BOOM BOOM !!! loud dramatic sound...


Boboiboy felt his heart stop as he heard the loud terrifying voice coming from tok aba's house .

And there it was taufan and blaze running for their lives to avoid their brother gempa .

" Boboiboy / Ori help !! Mama gempa is chasing is gonna kill us !!! " The two elements said in unison as they ran towards boboiboy and hiding behind his back .

" It wasn't us alright !! Were being framed  !? " Taufan yelled loudly Infront of the elemental hero .

" G-guys stop !! " Boboiboy whined struggling from being shaken by taufan .

The three then suddenly froze when they saw gempa and his dark aura surrounding him dangerously close .

Boboiboy sweatdrop , the two troublemakers were already hugging each other scared of what their brother would do .

" It's not us ! Mama gempa !! " Taufan pleaded .

" The two of you really are a piece a s- "

" Gempa .... Can you please calm down" boboiboy said in a calming voice .

The earth element snap back to reality
when he realized boboiboy was there . Gempa sighed calmly before facing his two brothers .

" You better not do this again or else " the earth element glared threatening the two boys .

Taufan and blaze burst into tears then launching themselves to hug boboiboy in a tight grip .

" Thank you Ori !! " Blaze said , his tears were running like a fountain .

" We almost died !! " Taufan added dramatically .

" N-no n-need to t-thank me ... " Boboiboy said , he really can't breath because of these two idiots .

HELPING HANDS (Boboiboy with Elementals)Where stories live. Discover now