Chapter 22

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Author : I'm so glad you readers like the previous chapter , I was worried that you didn't .

Thank you for your comments and vote
Enjoy 💕

Warning : bad grammar mistakes, fluff , bad writing , needs a lot of creativity .

Sidenote : I'll be updating once a week or two.


The Three Muron agents have joined our heroes journey to battle with the two evil villains of the universe but the question is , will their trust be enough even if they hold deep secrets from one another .

" HOLD UP!! "

"Why is there eight identical people in this spaceship !! Am I the only one thinks that this is not normal !! " Yelled butch at the heroes , and they only gave him puzzled looks .

" I mean come on eight freaking identical people , the same face !! " Yelled butch again while his brother just gave him a smack on the head .

" Stop being so rude " whispered brick to his stupid brother , he apologize for butch's behavior and decided to take a seat behind the others .

" So .... Why are you identical ? " Asked brick nicely but also curious .

" Oh we're not really humans , were boboiboy's elements " confirm gempa to the two boys .

" Hmm , I did heard once that Tapops had an agent with many different powerful elements , are you saying you can talk to your owner face to face ? "

" Well duh ! We are talking to him now right " blaze butted in , his face shows the obvious .

The atmosphere was silently awkward , they're not sure what to talk about and the Muron agents seemed unfazed by the situation .

The little girl started approaching boboiboy , sitting on his lap the boy just warmly smiled at her and patted her head fond by her cuteness .
Unfortunately the elements silently gaze at them with jealousy .

And the worst part was when the dog decided to join in the patting session , the elementals get super jealous .

" Not fair !! How come they're allowed to be patted !! " Taufan says far away from boboiboy was sitting so he wouldn't hear . The two troublemakers agreed with him and gazed the girl with pure jealousy .

" I want to be patted too !! " Whined thorn as he started to shook blaze's body .

" Stop acting like a bunch of children, you will ruin our reputation " says halilintar but deep inside he also want some affection :) .

" Shut up tsundere , you also wanted to be patted " accused blaze unfortunately this started to an argument and since three against one halilintar dragged solar and Ais to the argument as well .

" Guys look !! " Ais pointed at a direction while the elements turned their gazed to gempa .

While they were busy arguing gempa already sneaked in to boboiboy and asked him to be patted which boboiboy thoughtfully did .

Whines and groans were heard from the six elements as they watched gempa get treated with care . Boboiboy heard and motion them to come and also get patted . Trio troublemakers quickly approach him sitting in the floor while boboiboy chuckled acting like a mother to them . In a few minutes the trio cool also joined them boboiboy's mother instincts were too much to pass on .

The two Muron agents in the back just watch in amusement seeing the elements acting like children Infront of their owner .

" Seeing this is weird , cute , but weird " commented butch while his brother brick was more focus on a book he was reading .

" So you two are brothers " chirped Yaya asking the two Muron agents at the back .

" Hmm? Yes there is usually three of us but our youngest brother got captured " butch bluntly says before getting another smack from his brother .

" Sorry if I ask such a personal question " apologize Yaya as she focus on navigating the controls .

" It's fine , we just hope that are brother was doing fine " says brick as he stared at the stars .

Tapops Station

The space pirates are getting ready to prepare the weapons for the invasion plans , the two evil villains have managed to capture four admirals, destroyed the Muron station, captured techno agents and even collected many power spheres .

However they weren't successful on their first attempt to invade Tamara station since it was full of pro agents and better systems , so the station was safe for now .

Amato and captain kaizo were struggling to find a way out of the cage , they tried everything but apparently the villains traps are much difficult to get through .

The door suddenly opened showing a bunch of space pirates along with them is the admiral of Muron station . The person was unconscious with the other handcuffed Muron agents with them following close .

Some were already beat up while some were terrified.
Captain vargoba lackeys took them into a nearby large cage .

" Looks like they have already taken over our allies " growled Captain kaizo as they watch the agents getting mocked by arrogant space pirates.

" What are we supposed to do , they have already know our weaknesses " answered Amato .

They hope that boboiboy and the others are safe somehow and got enough time to think of a plan .
With their situation like this , it might be impossible that they could win this battle in the end .


Author : Finally finished a chapter , thank you for reading and it's a little short to read but thanks for still reading

See you readers on the next update

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