Chapter 30 ( is this the end?)

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Author : I'm back everyone , you didn't miss this book that much did you?

I'm happy to say that I had updated , I was planning to do this for a couple more weeks but it's best to be updating now .

Gopal : that took you long? Eeesh , maybe you don't have anymore brain in that head of yours ... Or maybe you started to run out of ide- hmph - ( taped him and tied in a nearby tree )

Author : enjoy reading !!

Warning : inappropriate languages, possible fluff or violence , bad writing, needs more imagination , bad grammar mistakes .


Hi my name is Gopal , and this is the story of my life . I was always been such a good boy , growing up , experiencing the world with a golden heart inside of me .

I was smart probably the most smartest student in school , I have the coolest amazing superpower , but I have to say even in my handsome good looks and being a good angel to everyone there was one thing I value more than anything , it starts with an F and ends with the D .

FOOD , I treasure them everyday of every hour and kept it safely on my tummy . Oh and I ... Also have friends and a best friend named boboiboy who was probably the second most important to me than food .

So I need to ask myself , why me the most friendliest , most smartest , most kindest person in this whole dang episodes of every chapter treated like THIS !?


" WHY CRUEL AUTHOR , WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME !? " Gopal started crying and whining ad the power spheres watch him from afar .

" Hai~ , I only ask him to be brave and beat those pirates , and he just kept crying " emotibot facepalm herself .

Mostly the power spheres were already done with this shit , they really need to be on action too .

  " Come on !! Let's go help him !! " Stealth bot suggested which the power spheres all agreed with a cheer .

" It's a miracle that he still survived on every episode " mechabot commented as he watch gopal's suffering .



As the others were busy fighting last forces of the space pirates, glacier was already making huge ice bergs and Gargantuas for the plan to work .

It'll use more energy but he won't break until all the war has been stop .

It doesn't matter now since it's there only chance for their survival and clear defeat of the villains this time .

If only the air pressure was more easier he could have had a time to relax and sleep . All is good I guess .

" That's the last one .... " Glacier muttered under his icy breath , he took a quick glance at his other brothers .

The other elements weren't much different , they all look tired and look like they were gonna fall at any second but the pressure is still on to help everyone around this freakin station .

Although they wouldn't care about the station getting destroyed however they have a little bit of worry to the people inside it .

" Halilintar , is solar awake yet? " Glacier questioned concerned about the lightning element's tired face .

" Not yet , lightbulb has a little fever cause that mind controller pierced his brain to far " halilintar answered .

" How about boboiboy , is he alright ?" Glacier added as he saw the lightning element trembled a little .

HELPING HANDS (Boboiboy with Elementals)Where stories live. Discover now