Chapter 6

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The birds are chirping and the sun was rising slowly as the morning greeted the earth element .
Gempa was the first one to woke up , he saw that Boboiboy was peacefully sleeping , He can guess that his owner was a heavy sleeper.

He went out of the bed and carefully walked to the door without disturbing his brothers sleep. He notice that blaze eyes seem kinda puffy , he got to check on blaze later.

Gempa went downstairs straight to the kitchen and saw tok aba getting some more sugar.

"Good morning gempa , are the others awake yet? " Asked tok aba as he put the sugar on a bag .

"Good morning tok aba and no their still sleeping " said gempa to the old man.

"And your an early bird then that's good" complemented tok aba as he went out of the kitchen to go to his shop.

"Hehe yeah , I'll start preparing their breakfast , bye " said gempa and waved goodbye before he went to the counter .

"Hmm? now what am I supposed to cook ?" Muttered gempa as he started to find some useful ingredients . There seem to be not enough items to cook something.

He was disturbed in his thoughts when solar and halilintar walking towards him.

"Hey gempa good morning"said solar while fixing his messy floofy hair .

"Morning" said gempa to the two elementals . The two sat down on the counter and watch their brother finding something.

"Hey Hali , can you help me with this , I need you to get some groceries " exclaimed gempa taking some notes.

"Why me , is it because I didn't say good morning to you? " Said Hali not agreeing that he would go the shop in public.

"No it's because you can run fast" said gempa bluntly .
Solar laughed at halilintar's misfortune .

"Ha , that's what you get" solar teased halilintar which angered the lightning element.

"You too solar , your going with him" said gempa pointing at the narcissist.

"What!, Is it because I- " he was interrupted .

"Yes, now go on before I do the violent method " said gempa grinning evilly that scared the two elements and ran out of the house to do their task.
Boboiboy saw this and laughed at their antics .

"Man you really know how to scare them " said boboiboy as he walked downstairs slowly not wanting to hurt himself.

"Well I had to learn to do the hard way since I was assigned to babysit them " said gempa as he rub his forehead.

Boboiboy laughed at gempa's words and went towards the refrigerator.
They heard footsteps walking to them and it was thorn with sleepy eyes.

"Good morning abang gempa and abang boboiboy" yawned thorn holding his man eating plant that looked hungry , thorn excused himself to feed the plant with some meat in the fridge and went to the garden .

"Jeez that plant is scary I'm not even sure why he love that thing " said taufan who's already went to tok aba with some hot chocolate.

Boboiboy convinced gempa to let him help with cooking even when his hand is still springed . Just then two elementals finally woke up , blaze quickly hug boboiboy and said good morning to him . The others were a little jealous since blaze received a pat from his owner . All of them gathered on the table near the kitchen waiting for their breakfast.

Halilintar and solar finally arrived with a few bags hanging on their arms with four boxes they had to balance , apparently gempa asked a lot of things . Solar told everyone that halilintar ran off and tripped his foot when he saw balloons near him.

All of them laughed leading halilintar embarrassed by this . Boboiboy made their to the table with pancakes 🥞 and waffles on their hands / heads balancing the tray perfectly.

Everyone ate their food including that carnivores plant thorn brought apparently the plant was stealing blaze and taufan's food which angered the two . But thorn just shrugged like it was nothing.

It seems like the plant grew bigger somehow.....

Laskar spaceship

"Laksamana it looks like something is keeping us from entering the planet " said by the controller of the ship.

"What is it? " Asked the red armored man as he clenched his fist tightly .

"Giant robots , hundreds of them " muttered the commander .

The Laskar spaceship was surrounded by a hundreds of robots and planned to destroy the people from inside .

"Just leave this to us , laksamana" said fang with his brother kaizo ready themselves for the battle . The admirals nodded their heads , the commander tried to contact boboiboy or the others but with no luck it seems like they have been hacked by the enemy.

The admiral Tarung told them to do it fast since they don't want to waste anymore time . The red armored hero wanted to help them but admiral told him to just stay or the enemy will know he was here with them.

At the Kokotiam

Boboiboy was currently helping tok aba with his shop along with gempa , blaze and halilintar . Solar is with Ais wiping the tables . Ais looked at boboiboy lost in his own thoughts which solar noticed.

"Hey what's the matter? " Asked solar as he stopped wiping the table.

"Nothing it's just about blaze" said Ais as he told solar on that he saw boboiboy with solar on the ceiling talking about problems , solar was speechless their owner seem to know them better than themselves and how caring boboiboy could be.

"Wow first I was actually impressed that you woke up last night I mean you literally can't seem to be awake at all "solar teased at the elemental .

"But yeah , I can't believe our owner would comfort an elemental judging by the fact that I have a cruel past owner" said solar as he remembered Retakka .

"Well atleast blaze is alright now though , he felt a lot better now ". Exclaimed Ais grateful to boboiboy .

They then saw Yaya , ying and Gopal heading towards the Kokotiam , they seem to be in their school uniform . They greeted tok aba and suprised to see the elements and boboiboy himself.

BoBoiBoy told them everything and they told him about their activities in school.

"Really Iwan is seriously the new assistant monitor now "said boboiboy while looking at Gopal.

"Yup but it's fine atleast I won't be working other complicated jobs"said Gopal while ordering tok aba's special hot chocolate.

They talked for hours , until Gopal remembered that boboiboy had fear of balloons and he just bought a balloon . Gopal secretly blow the balloon and popped it right into his bestfriend's face .

BoBoiBoy was so shocked that he fell down , Gopal laughed so hard even when he's being scolded by Yaya and ying.

Just then they suddenly felt a dark aura behind their back .
It was halilintar with dark look on his face , he was not fond by that prank.

"Who the heck had a good idea to pop a balloon in here" said halilintar menacingly and took out his thunder blades.

The group pointed to Gopal who was running screaming . Boboiboy shaked his head in Gopal's stupidity hoping he would still be alive after this .

"Get Back Here you little....'' growled halilintar as he chase after him .
But just when he was about to land a hit , a Gigantic carnivores plant was seriously seen on tok aba's house

"Oh great what is it this time"

HELPING HANDS (Boboiboy with Elementals)Where stories live. Discover now