Chapter 32 No more pain please

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Author : seriously, I checked the past chapters , I don't even know if it's cringy or that bad I'm surprised that you readers are still enjoying the chapters it makes me wanna cry 😭😭 .

I'm feeling your support right now so go enjoy this chapter .

Warning : inappropriate languages, possible fluff or violence, bad grammar mistakes , bad plot , needs imagination , mention of gruesome threats .


Beep beep beep ......

Gempa leaned on the doorframe , a frown plastered on his face , his golden eyes were focus on the person lying on the hospital bed and being surrounded by many hospital gadgets .

To him , it isn't easy to look at the person , its almost impossible to even not be terrified for a moment .

How can he blame the person though ... He was always like this and stayed like this .

No matter how many scars or bruise you put in him , it won't break him much less break his spirit of heroism . Boboiboy is unbreakable .

Gempa sighed for the very last time after closing the bedroom door and stealing one last glance before he left to join his brothers to rest on the front spaceship .

He walked silently , his head were down facing the floor and ignoring the passing aliens gazing at him weirdly .

The earth element has been the most strongest among them... well mentally that is and his dear brothers would know that fact but even the most dependable could sometimes break down and cry  ...

Gempa will never show that kind of emotions especially his brothers who were hiding the same pain as he was .

A leader needs to show bravery and confidence even in the most crucial times and it's hard to do that !!

It's pressuring him too much ......

" Mama !! " Thorn leaped at him as gempa yelped in surprised .

Thorn hugged his older brother tightly squeezing him in the process . Gempa was about to scold him but his eyes widen looking at the big green puffy eyes filled with tears and a red nose .

" Mama ... How was boboiboy? ... Is he better now? " Thorn looked at gempa's golden eyes . His tears were only making it worse for the earth element to break down as well .

Instead of doing that , gempa gave him a force but yet convincing smile to make thorn feel better .

" He's fine thorn ... You know boboiboy is strong , this might be suffering you too much but we need to wait for him to wake up " gempa explained .

" Thorn understands " the adorable element nodded his head slowly as he walk by his brother's side ready to greet the others .

As gempa opened the door , elements were already standing up to greet him and to know if their beloved brother ori is awake .

" Gempa ... How is he? " Taufan asked , playing with his two thumbs nervously .

" He's fine , I can sense his mind and body being ok but.... He's not awake yet " gempa answered while hearing his brothers sighed .

He was right , his brothers were worried sick , they can barely have any rest at all , gempa then realize something .... Solar wasn't here at all .

" Where is solar? " Gempa raised his eyebrow at the flinching elements. .

" He ... went into the lab to search for a cure for ... boboiboy " Thorn answered while his brothers nodded .

Gempa sighed again , his head felt dizzy right now and he can't deal or stop solar from doing anything . They were desperate to find a solution to every problem they had and Yes they do have help from Tapops but .. it's still doesn't felt enough .

HELPING HANDS (Boboiboy with Elementals)Where stories live. Discover now