Chapter 14

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Sorry for this late update , but I'm glad that you've waited for this chapter since I was very busy with my school work I almost forgot about updating this . Anyway enjoy reading :)

Warning : bad grammar mistakes and probably gonna add the word blood in the story :(

Also boboiboy galaxy  belonged to the monsta studio .

Welp enjoy the story or not , it's fine




The whole team was gathered on the living room including the elemental powers and fang since boboiboy had announced an important news .
Tok aba wasn't there because boboiboy needed him to get some supplies with ochobot . The Tapops team was a little anxious seeing the tense situation while some elements were just curious on what this is all about except for Hali who just look serious on the back .

" Ok everyone listen , there's a serious threat in Tapops Station right now and believe me it's a very big problem " exclaimed boboiboy as he watched his friends with a poker face .

" Hey !! Just say it already , there's no need for you to build some tension !! " Said Gopal annoyed . Which the two hothead elements noticed giving Gopal a murderous glare . I mean who the heck is he to be annoyed at their user right? . Gopal quickly hid behind Yaya for protection clearly afraid of the elements.

" As I was saying , Retakka and captain vargoba is back and they are seeking revenge on us ... Mostly me though" said boboiboy .

"WHAT !!! HOW !? I THOUGHT THEY WERE EXILED ALREADY !!! " said the group and elements .

" Yeah , I'll make it short , basically our superiors thought it was a good idea to not continue their treason and think it was a good idea to let them live . As a result they had took over the station and bla bla bla ... You get what I'm saying " boboiboy looked at their shocked faces .

They were pale as if they saw the living dead  . Gempa  can't believe what he just heard , how can those council just let this be  they were seriously in danger not to mention their not back in the watch which will be a big  advantage for Retakka .  Thorn was crying while taufan was joining him .

As for solar there is only one thing on his mind and that is not knowing what to do.
Hali ... Well he already knew about this so he's just giving a poker face to everyone . Blaze was looking ready to fight and ais he just stayed calm but his inner self was panicking.

The others were terrified and look at their leader for hope .

" What are we gonna do now boboiboy? " Asked ying as she hugged her best friend beside her.

" Yeah they will know we are here and who knows what will happen next !!? " Said Gopal panicking . While fang glanced at boboiboy serious .

" Boboiboy we need our leader to guide us " said fang while the others nodded in agreement.

" No we're doing this as a team , and we are going to be ready for this battle . It's all or never " boboiboy said as the elements stand up .

"Don't worry because we are with you this time boboiboy " said gempa smiling .

" Yep ! We are gonna kick his butt !! " Shouted blaze as the others chuckled.

" Not now however we still need to train after and this time we are relying on our instincts " .

After that the others went home to get ready for the morning training tomorrow . Fang decided to fixed the spaceship to atleast give them a little weapon . The elementals went to the bedroom to talk about the plans for tomorrow while boboiboy went inside the bathroom . The elementals were pumped up for tomorrow ever since boboiboy had his out lifting speech however there was a problem with our elemental hero which he had hide from his friends and his own elemental siblings . 

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