Chapter 12

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Fang woke up on a familiar living room , his body was in pain even when he tried to move . A hand then grab his shoulder keeping him balanced . He glanced at the person sitting next to him .

" Fang don't move your still not healed yet? " Asked boboiboy as he put some bandages around his wounds.

" thanks ........ for everything" fang sipped some herbal tea calming himself .

"That is what friends are for ..... Fang what happened to you? " Boboiboy was now worried .

Fang took a big gulp on his tea before looking at boboiboy , concern was visible on his friend's face .

" Listen something bad happened when we entered the planet , I barely escaped "
Fang then looked down on his cup slightly traumatized.

" Retakka a-and captain vargoba have escaped and b-became allies ". Muttered fang while boboiboy froze in his spot. How did Retakka and captain vargoba escaped even worse was now they are teaming up .


" We can't hold them much longer commander , we need back up " said fang at the tiny communicator device as he and his brother fought the robots.

"We can't we are also caught up with them in the moment apparently they found a way to sneak in " said commander kokochi .

Captain kaizo has already used his ember mask  but the giant robots still kept coming . Space pirates have upgraded their weapons since the last fight preventing the Laskar spaceship to enter at the planet .
Then suddenly a shocking scene had displayed in their eyes , they saw that captain vargoba was there and with his new partner Retakka .

" Capture them all !! And when we are done with them , we will finally get our revenge " captain vargoba grinned evilly while Retakka destroyed the spaceship's main panel .

Captain kaizo and fang retreated back into the ship . The ship wan in code red as it lost all the energy and without their panel it won't last any longer.

Many were injured in the battle including commander kokochi, mechamato and admiral Tarung were busy fighting the two villains but they were also tired .

The two villains have millions of weapons and more space pirates to count .

"Fang I need you to take the small spaceship and escaped , we will distract them ".  Exclaimed kaizo his face was serious .

" No there must be s-so... "

" Fang listen to me , I need you to warn boboiboy about this ..... We will be captured sooner , fang this is an order "

Captain kaizo then dragged fang into the spaceship ... Pushed him in and activated it.

The small ship blast towards the planet , many space pirates tried to destroyed it however it was already out of their reach

Retakka and captain vargoba was finished with mechamato and admiral Tarung . The two laksamana was covered in blood and mechabot was captured .

Retakka was about to follow Fang's ship when captain kaizo blocked his view.

" You have to go through me first " kaizo readied his energy blades .

" Haha you think a mere alien like you can defeat me ..... Your lost "

Captain kaizo and Retakka 's battle shooked the spaceship huge explosions was the last thing fang had seen .

End of flashback

"Wait my dad was there? "  Boboiboy eyes widen shocked .

" Yes but I'm not sure if they had survive .... The last thing I saw was a huge explosion " fang looked down his tears were threatening to fall .

" We need to go back and save them " said boboiboy standing up face determine to save everyone .

" You need to rest first ... Your still not healed and you can't use your elements if your still injured "

" Hehe about my elements .... You see " boboiboy was interrupted by a loud voice on the door .

" Look I don't care if they call it sharing , you cant steal a guy's chicken " the person entered the room without even looking at his direction .

" Enough with the chicken blaze " said halilintar .

Fang was speechless to see not one but seven boboiboy at the same time .
The elements glanced at fang whose mouth just dropped open .

" Hey fang is back , why are you wrapped in a bandage ? " Said thorn his head tilted to the side .

The purple hedgehog just froze in his place . Halilintar got annoyed and stomped towards fang slapped him right in the face .

But it didn't work .... Fang fainted again .
BoBoiBoy gasped and gave Hali a pout

" What was that for "

" I was just trying to help " halilintar folded his hands close to his chest as they stared at the unconscious fang for a few seconds then started panicking .






the trio troublemakers panicked running around the house while boboiboy just sighed at them .

" Really ..... How are we related " asked Ais as he and his brothers watch the trio .

It's not much but it's still a chapter though , I'm focusing in this book first rather than my first book " elemental gravity"   

This book is going to over soon but I promise there will be a father and son fluff bonding

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