Chapter 17

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Surprise readers early chapter yey !!!

Note: boboiboy Galaxy belongs to animonsta studio

Warning : bad grammar mistakes , slight fluff between boboiboy and halilintar and bad writing from the writer itself

Side note : I'll be updating once a week or two .

The lightning element was walking towards his owner's room and on his way , he was planning an apology speech and maybe in his luck boboiboy can finally tell him about his umm physical or mental problem . He and his brothers already finished their training , they have improved a little mostly just trying to face their fears , so he was less scared of balloons now .

Halilintar knocked on the door three times asking permission first to enter .
He didn't want to disturb boboiboy when he was doing something important .

" Come in , it's open " the voice said with a light chuckle .

Halilintar entered the room a little suprised that boboiboy was busy treating his wounds .

" Ohh halilintar ,  have you and the others already finished training ?? " Said boboiboy as he stand up to get more bandage .

Only to be stopped by the lightning element saying

" I'll get it ... " Halilintar took some bandages on the table and also some medicines .

" You didn't answer my question Hali " boboiboy looked at his lightning element in confusion . Usually halilintar was emotionless however boboiboy can clearly see his care and concern .

" Hmm? We're already done with training it went great ..I guess ... " muttered halilintar .

The lightning element helped boboiboy put the bandages around , since the wounds were slightly open .

An awkward silence filled the whole room.

" Halilintar what's wrong ? " Asked boboiboy .

" Nothing , I ... I just came here to apologize .. I should've been more responsible rather acting immaturely considering I'm oldest "

Boboiboy looked at halilintar , he then placed his hand on the lightning element's head and patted it gently causing halilintar to blush a little.

" You shouldn't apologize for that , besides it's fine to act a little immature sometimes if your getting too serious you'll get more older " said boboiboy as he laughed his heart out that only triggered halilintar to blush harder .

" Ha ha very funny " halilintar said sarcastically as boboiboy gave him a playful punch on the arm .

" Aww come on , it was a joke , your so serious  wouldn't hurt to smile right~"

" Whatever " halilintar crossed his arms on his chest .

The two boys started to talk about random things and even halilintar being a bit more open towards his user .

" Hey boboiboy , can you tell me something but you have to answer this truthfully though " halilintar looked at his owner his face was serious making boboiboy a bit uncomfortable.

" Sure what is it? " Said boboiboy

" Tell me what kind of sickness are you hiding from us ? " Asked halilintar which made boboiboy shocked .

" Umm I don't... "

" Don't lie to me boboiboy , I already know what's going on with you for couple of weeks but Im not sure what kind of problem your hiding from us " exclaimed halilintar .

Boboiboy just sighed in defeat , he already knew that once halilintar questioned some personal matters especially about him , the lightning element would be too stubborn to back down .

" Did you tell your brothers or have they also found out about it ? " Asked boboiboy .

" No I didn't told them yet since it'll just cause too much commotion especially to gempa " . Answered halilintar .

" Good , Hali .. listen I am getting sick but not that much , ochobot was overreacting , I only have dyspepsia ( indigestion) it's common so it's fine ". Boboiboy said calmly however it only alarmed halilintar .

" That is still not good , have you checked with a doctor !? Nevermind I don't doctors here , we should let that science nerd help you !? In fact we should tell everyone!? " . Said halilintar that can't hide his panicking state .

" Tell everyone what?? "

Just then the doors open revealing gempa and solar , the two elements are completely confused on what they're talking about .

" Boboiboy has a hmphhh ...." 

Boboiboy covered halilintar's mouth clearly not ready to tell them .

" Errm nothing just tell everyone about the new training I'll be working tomorrow " said boboiboy and as for Hali , he gave up trying to pull off boboiboy arm around his mouth .

" By the way what are you two doing here ?" Asked boboiboy again still covering halilintar's mouth .

" Oh I came here to tell you that were having some snacks at the backyard " said gempa

" And I'm here to apologize on what happened even though it wasn't half my fault " said solar .

" Oh no worries it's fine solar and gempa , the two of you should get back me and halilintar will need to talk about something first , we'll catch up with you later " said boboiboy .

" Ehhh sure? I'll be on the snack table " said solar waving goodbye to them .

" Is there something wrong boboiboy , you can always tell me?? " Asked gempa obviously suspicious about the two .

" Nope nothings wrong ever , right Hali " boboiboy painfully nudges  halilintar on the shoulder .

" Yes it's fine gempa "

With one final look gempa went downstairs which made the element manipulater sighed in relief.

" Boboiboy you should tell the others soon trust me it's not gonna be easy to keep a secret from them especially gempa "

I will tell them but not today or tomorrow but someday and please can you stop being all worried like that , your making me feel like I have a serious illness or something "  said boboiboy as he playfully slap halilintar with a pillow .

" It's still dangerous though " halilintar muttered while boboiboy rolled his eyes .

" Don't worry I can handle it , we should get going now before gempa started to go uhh mother mode " said boboiboy standing up followed by halilintar .

The lightning was about to leave when he was suddenly pulled by a hug from his user .

" Thanks for doing this  Hali , it means a lot that you and your brothers cared for me just like siblings would do " . Whispered boboiboy softly .

" Of course you are also our family , you can always count on us even the light bulb " said halilintar returning the sincere hug with a small smile plastered on his face . It's sad to say that boboiboy didn't really see that smile though .

The two boys went back downstairs with the others clearly celebrating their training for the day . Well until Gopal ruined it by popping a balloon that causes halilintar to chased after him .

So everyone was satisfied for the day well not everyone though ....


Ok so it was not really a big problem about the boboiboy illness stuff but hey I'm just always paranoid when even catch a cold .

And for those who had read my other book called " elemental gravity " . I'm sorry for the delay but I want to finish this book first . I hope you understand

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