Chapter 8

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Evening came after the plant monster destruction , the elementals were hanging out on the sofa talking and some are playing. Boboiboy's friends already went home because they have a lot of homework to finish especially the exam is coming . As for boboiboy he can't go to school because he's not fully recovered yet.

Boboiboy was now deep in thought , the reason why the elementals seem a little destructive was because they don't really have guardians or parents and it's their first time boboiboy had let them be free without him controlling them.

The trio troublemakers were the perfect example that needed guidance even when gempa or halilintar were there , those two cannot always handle the trio . Besides even solar, Ais , gempa and halilintar also needed some help even when there a little mature .

Then it hit him if someone could teach the elements on how to act normal or atleast learn not to cause a lot of mayhem in the world maybe just maybe they could learn some useful things.

Well boboiboy can't always be there for them Everytime so a school would be perfect . Education is important and school could be there second home right?.
Boboiboy finally decided this and told gempa and tok aba what he had planned.

Gempa happily agreed at this while tok aba was worried that they would do more destruction on school but he guess that it could be a good idea.

Boboiboy and gempa called everyone on the bedroom to tell them .

" You want us to WHAT !!? " said halilintar speechless , the others were also shocked .

Blaze had his mouth dropped open , taufan was pale , solar was somehow excited , Ais was now awake his eyes were now wide open , thorn was confused and halilintar well he look at gempa with disbelief.

" I mean think about it , school can be a great way for you to learn something new right ? You know ..... Being a student " exclaimed boboiboy as he look at the elements who seem to be lost in their thoughts.

The elementals were quite and they were now deep in thought. boboiboy give them time to make the decision since he can't just force them.

Gempa walked towards his brothers pulling them into a circle .

" Listen , it's a good idea and we can even have a great time" suggested gempa as blaze simply disagree.

" You call school  great ?! It's torture there !! " Said blaze as taufan and Ais nodded there heads.

" He's right I'm not even allowed to sleep and did you forget the tough exams" Ais pointed some facts on gempa .

" Look if we go to school it will be a big help to our owner plus we can make it an apology for him" suggested solar .
Both blaze and Ais growled in frustration since their brother is right. Gempa looked at Hali and thorn.

" So what do you think?" Asked gempa which received a nod from thorn while Hali just shrugged his shoulders not caring .

"Alright then it's settled will go to school'  said gempa looking at his brothers.

The elementals finally made the decision and told their owner however some elements aren't really fond about the idea.

Time Skip

The sun was now rising and the elementals were getting ready for their first day of school , BoBoiBoy had bought many items they need in school especially uniforms. But they seem to have their own styles when it comes to clothing .

(I'm not good at describing the clothes because I'm terrible at fashion ......
So I'm just gonna skip that part)

Let's just say they look like ordinary people now .
Boboiboy bid goodbye to them and walked to school with the guide of the map.

Apparently they got lost somehow , maybe because blaze accidentally burned it and boboiboy pretty much had a new school instead of his old school.

They asked some directions from people , some pointed direction and some just ran away from them afraid that the elements would hurt them.

"Excuse me sir can you tell us to where the high school is ? "Asked gempa politely as he approach the man . The man ran screaming that he didn't want some trouble.

" We're not gonna kill you !! " Shout blaze to the man . Halilintar then slap his brother's head looking annoyed.

" Hmm judging from the half instructions they provide for us then Im positive that our user's school is in few blocks side of his old school " exclaimed solar as he glanced at his brothers blank faces.

"Why the heck didn't you tell us this sooner science freak ! " Halilintar pulled solar's collar and started to shake him .

"Ok that's enough let's just go already " taufan then pulled halilintar away from his little brother before he killed him .
Although taufan didn't mind .

"Hey how about we take a short cut since we're already late" said thorn pointing to a known alleyway .
The elements didn't have a choice and went to the dark alley , solar complain about the darkness while thorn was hanging tight to his mama gemgem aka gempa .

When they were walking they saw a cat with a hat seem staring at them . Taufan and thorn thought the cat was adorable and harmless but halilintar seem to be lost in his thoughts.

"Wait didn't we saw this cat before?"
Gempa stared at the cat for few minutes then looked at the cat's familiar eyes.

" Everyone RUN !! "

The elements were confused to halilintar's sudden out burst but they saw that the cat was now chasing them with deadly eyes . All of them started to run while Ais froze in his place .

Blaze then went back to carry him and ran fast with Incredible speed .
They ran fast but solar accidentally tripped himself spraining his ankle .

"Solar are you alright? " Gempa stopped running looked at his brother's ankle , it was hurting badly . The elements went to solar in worried faces.

" We should run before he catch us" blaze said holding his frozen brother.

" I have a plan" gempa looked at halilintar which made the lightning element confused .

"Seriously , this is your plan?! " Said Hali while he was holding solar on his back which made his little brother embarrassed.

" Hali is the fastest runner so it won't be a problem , I'll create an earth barrier while we run" gempa used his powers to block the cat while they started running again.

After of their running they finally made it to school and lost the crazy cat .
All of them walked on the hallway exhausted , they went to the nurse office first to treat solar's injury.


Yaya just finished checking the schedule and went to her best friend ying whose talking to Gopal. They were talking about the festival next week .

" Hey do you think boboiboy is ok now,?" Asked ying to Gopal.

"How would I know "

" Haiya aren't you his best friend you should know " replied ying irritated .

" Come on guys it's not good to fight , do you want me to write your names cuz I will " Yaya threaten at Gopal and ying making the two shooked their heads.

"  Oh please ying , boboiboy will be more worse if  he was in the care of his idiotic elementals " Gopal insulted the elementals not aware that a dark aura surrounded behind him. Yaya and ying gulped in fear to see the person behind and backed away quickly.


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