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"Y/N WAKE UP, WAKE UP!!! WE HAVE AUDITIONS TODAY!" Lin screamed at me from across the house.
I didn't respond, as I had just woken up .3 seconds ago, when Lin burst through the door and jumped on me, shaking me awake
"WAKE UP WAKE UP! " He said with the same excitement as a little kid on Christmas morning.
"Alright, alright I'm up Linny!" I said in a groggy voice. (Linny is your nickname for Lin)
"Good good, now get dressed, we have to leave in 45 minutes!"
"Ok I'll get up in five min-."
Before I could finish my sentence, Lin through a pillow at me and said.
"You're getting up now, let's go!"
I didn't want to get up, but I did in fear that I'd be hit with another pillow.

(Idk where the auditions were held, so we're gonna say they were at Richard Rogers theater)

We made it to the theater and I was in awe. It was huge.
"Holy shit" Lin said, completely in shock.
We both just looked around for a few seconds until we had to open the door for auditions.
"This is insane..." I said.
It really was, I couldn't even imagine how many people would be in this theater on opening night.
"Are you ready?" I asked
"Yeah, I little nervous though" he said.
"You'll be fine." I said very blandly
"...thanks?" He said confused.
"Let's go open those doors an let people in" I said.

It was a long day of watching people sing. Some people sang songs from Hamilton, some from Adele, Lady Gaga it was all over the place actually. Most had great voices, some...not so much.

"Up next...uhh Anthony Ramos"
A guy with dark curly hair, freckles, and light greenish eyes walked out on stage.
He didn't seem nervous at all, which was extremely surprising. Most people are shaking with anticipation.
"Hi, I'm Anthony and I'm auditioning for the part of Philip Hamilton, and John Lauren's!"
He said with a little giggle. It made me smile and laugh.
"Cool, so what song will you be singing Anthony."
Lin said, as he folded his hands in front of him
"I'm going to be singing (something from Hamilton), if that's okay." He said.
"Yeah of course! Whenever you're ready." I said, kind of giddy. After his audition, he thanked us, then walked off stage.
I thought he was perfect for the role. I put a check next to his name, and turned to Lin.
"I like him, I think he's perfect." I whispered
"Me too, and he seems nice. I put a check next to his name." Lin said
"Alright, next up...David Diggs?" Lin said.
"Lin you're an idiot, it's Daveed, long e." I said.
"Mhm. And how would you know that?" He said crossing his arms, facing me.
I copied his action.
"Look at how it's spelled dumbass" I said laughing a bit.
"I'm not an idiot, you're the idiot" he's responded, rolling his eyes.
I was about to respond when
We both went wide eyed, and slowly turned towards the stage.
"Hey." he said and waved shyly at us.
It took a second for Lin to come back to reality.
"Yes. Uh, Hello David" Lin said like the idiot he is.
"Actually it's Daveed, long e"
"HA! I knew it, dumbass" I muttered the last part under my breath.
"Shorty" he said
"Shut up"
"Alright Daveed, who are you auditioning for?" I said with a nice smile.
"Uh yeah, I'm auditioning for Lafayette, and Jefferson"
"Cool, what will you be singing for us?"
"I'm actually going to singing 'Guns and Ships' from Hamilton." He said while giggling a little bit.
He looked nervous, I noticed that he kept fiddling with his rings.
"Sounds good. Lin will fill in for Washington, Arron burr, and the Ensemble, is that okay?"
"Yeah, t-that's okay" he stuttered, I thought it was cute...
"Alright, whenever you're ready!" I said with another smile.
He gave us the cue, and the music started. Lin was singing Arron Burrs part, while I was watching Daveed. I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. His hair was tied back into a ponytail. He had a stubble. He looked tall, regardless of the fact that he was standing on a stage, and he seemed really sweet. He was definitely a good looking man.
Once Lafayette's part came, he started rapping effortlessly. It was amazing. We haven't gotten many auditions for Lafayette and Jefferson today, probably only around 17. Which compared to the others, wasn't a lot.
When he was rapping, it seemed like all of his nerves just disappeared. It looked like this was so natural to him, and I could tell he was having fun.
When he was finished, he wasn't even out of breath.
I was speechless, and Lin and Daveed could tell. I was just staring at this beautiful, talented man, with my jaw on the floor. It was Lin's voice that snapped me back into reality.
"That was fantastic Daveed, thank you!" Lin then looked at me for my response.
"Wow...wh- how long did it take you to learn that?"
Daveed laughed before he answered "uhh, about 15 minutes." He scratched the back of his neck and smiled at me.
"Wow, okay yeah, that was fantastic! Thank you."
"Of course!" He said as he walked off stage.
I was still in complete shock when Lin nudged me.
"What'd you think of him?" Lin laughed already knowing my answer.
"He's getting a call-back!"
"I agree!" Lin laughed.
We went on with the auditions, and the rest of the day was great. I was surprised about how many people auditioned for the schuyler sisters. Even thought they're the only girls in the production, other than the girls in the ensemble.
Eventually we went home. Vanessa greeted me at the door, and gave me a hug, completely ignoring Lin. We both had a joke that she liked me better than she did Lin. But it was all jokes. (maybe🤪✌🏽🥲)
I went to my room and get ready for bed, it'd be a long day of call-backs tomorrow. I couldn't stop thinking about Daveed. He was perfect for the role, and he was super talented. I fell asleep thinking about him...

Daveed's POV:
I was getting ready for bed, praying that I'd get called-back tomorrow. I think I did great today. That one judge was very impressed. I think she was Lin's sister. She was cute actually, and she seems really sweet. I really hope I can see her again. I feel asleep thinking about her...

A/N: What's up guys! Just wrote two chapters in one day...pretty proud of myself honestly. How did you guys feel about this chapter. Remember, be BRUTALLY HONEST!

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