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The rest of the day was spent with me going back and forth between Jefferson and King Georges costumes.

King George was easy. I only had to finish the cape and pants, which seems like more work than it actually is.

Jefferson on the other hand. I had barley started his over coat, and I didn't even have Daveed sized.

I did Jonathan's measurements one of the first days I started because his costume was the first that I started working on.

But I never got a chance to size Daveed. So I called him in.

"Hello darlin'." He said while peeking his head around the door frame with his southern accent.

"Hey, stand up there." I said while point to the platform in the middle of the room.

"Whatever you say darlin'." He said as he walked over and stood on the platform.

"Are you guys rehearsing the second act?" I asked while rustling through my drawers for measuring tape.

"How'd you know?" He said while laughing.

"You're talking with a southern accent and you called me darlin' , I took a wild guess."

"C'mon, the accent is sexy you have to admit."
He said as I walked up to him.

"Everything you do is sexy, Diggs." I said while throwing the measuring tape around the back of his neck and pulling him in for a kiss.

He wrapped his hands around my lower back and pulled me towards him as I slightly moaned into the kiss. His hands started running up and down my back until finally finding there way into the back pocket of my jeans.

But then I reluctantly pulled away.

"As much as I would love to continue this, we both have work to do." I said while stepping back and regathering the measuring tape.

"Fine. But we're continuing this later." He said.

"Fine by me. Take off your sweater." I said.

"Oh? I thought we had to get back to work?" He said slowly taking off his sweater.

"It's so I can get a more accurate sizing for your waist dumbass." I said while wrapping the measuring tape around his waist.

"I think you just want to see me in minimal clothing." He said while holding his arms out.

"Okay. Done." I said while marking where the measuring tape fit comfortably around his waist.

I walked back over to his desk and started sewing the coat again. That's when he came up behind me and started kissing my neck. In response I instinctively shifted my neck, giving him more access.

I turned around to face him and we started making out. Each of us fighting for dominance with our tounges - he won.

"Jump." He whispered.

And I did. He pinned me between him and the wall and I kept my hands on the back of his neck and ran my fingers over his stubble.

He started kissing my neck again and that's when I heard footsteps coming towards my dressing room door.

"Daveed" I said, although it sounded more like a moan.

"Daveed, seriously someone's coming." I said while jumping out of his arms. Both of us backing away from eachother.

Then Leslie walked in the room.

"Hey guys, we're gonna go over What Did I Miss so Daveed we need you on stage."

"On it." He said as he kissed my forehead and walked out the door.

"Having fun?" Said Leslie and he crossed his arms over his chest with a knowing look.

I rolled my eyes and walked over to my desk.

"Don't you have to get back to rehearsal?"
I said while laughing.

"It's nice to have you back, Y/N." He said while closing the door and walking out.

I turned back around to start sewing Jefferson's costume again. And in a little over two hours, the jacket and pants were done. Now time for the top.

I ended up leaving the theatre at 6:00 instead of 4:00. And, as always. I was the last one in there.

I had finished Jefferson's costume - almost. I wouldn't even need another full day to finish it.

Then, after I was done with the costumes, I could help more with choreography.

After I closed my dressing room door I walked on stage. The lights were still on, and I looked out towards all the empty seats. I looked around at the set and wished that it was me who could perform on stage.

But it wasn't me - it was Lin. And I was living vicariously through him, and as long as he's happy, I'm happy.

I walked outside to my car, it was still light outside since it was only 6:00, so I drove to Daveed's house after texting Lin and letting him know.


I walked up and knocked on the door.

And Daveed answered the door, his hair pulled back into a ponytail, wearing no shirt and grey sweatpants.

I went up to him and pulled him into a long kiss.

As I did so he closed the door behind me and while picking me up, having me straddle him.

I quickly took off my jacket and latched my hands on the back of his neck, deepening the kiss, feeling his soft lips on mine.

He walked me over to the couch and layed down on top of me, not once breaking the kiss.

"I love you so much." I said

"I love you more" he said back, while finally breaking the kiss and looking into my eyes.

"Are you sleeping here tonight?" He asked with his face hovering over mine.

"Do you want me to?" I asked while pushing a stray hair from his ponytail away from his face.

"Yes." He answered while pecking at my lips.

"I don't have any clothes." I said.

"You can borrow mine. We don't have work tomorrow. Someone is using the theatre for a recital."

"Okay. But Sebastian wants me home tonight."
I remembered and I started rubbing my temples.

"Then we can sleep at your place." He suggested.

"With Lin, and Seb, and Nessa." I said with a look of disdain.

"Actually I need to babysit Sebastian tonight. Lin and Vanessa are going on a date." I said with a sigh.

"I can come with you." He said.

"Yeah whatever." I said while wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him in for a kiss.

"You really love kissing me today huh darlin'?" He said with his southern accent.

"I think Jefferson is rubbing off on you." I said while laughing.

"And that's a bad thing?" He said.

"Not at all." I responded while kissing him. Again.

And we left the house shortly after to go babysit Sebastian


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