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"Okay so why are you really here?" Nora asked while sitting on the couch next to me and wrapping herself under the blanket.

"Uhh I don't even know where to start. Do you know Daveed? The guy I've been talking about."

"Yes. The one with the fro?" She said while pulled her long hair behind her shoulders.

"That's the one." I said while looking down at my hands.

"Lin isn't too happy about our relationship. So he fired me. I went to Daveed's house, and he-
He. Well he didn't necessarily side with Lin. But he almost implied it and I kinda just stormed off."

"Got it. Has he tried texting you." She asked

"I don't know. I don't want to look."
I said while sipping some wine from my wineglass on the coffee table.

"Give me the phone." She said while holding out her hand.

So I did. And when she saw the lock screen she hissed and cringed.

"26 messages from daveed. 10 from Lin. 2 from Vanessa."

I put my head back on the couch.

"Shit." I said.

"You want to open them?" She asked

"Sure." I replied.

First the ones from Lin.

Lin: please come home. Daveed told me what happened.

Lin: Y/N you have to talk to me at some point.

Lin: Daveed told me what happened.

Lin: just let me know where you are.

Lin: y/n c'mon

And the messages went on like that.

Then Vanessa:

Nessa: okay Lin is driving me up a fucking wall. Please just text him back.

Nessa: Y/N, Sebastian keeps asking for you.

But I texted her back.

You: tell seb that I love him and that I'll see him soon.

"Are you gonna open the ones from daveed." She asked


"I think you should." She responded.

So I did:

Daveed<3: im sorry. It came off the wrong way, I didn't mean it like that.

Daveed<3: c'mon please answer

Daveed<3: please Y/N

And so on.

Then I got to the last message.

Daveed<3: you don't have to answer. But I'm sorry, and I love you.

You: I love you too.

I responded.

Then I put my phone back in my pocket and me and Nora put on a movie and talked the rest of the night.

A/N: hope you enjoyed

Little Miranda  Daveed DiggsxReaderWhere stories live. Discover now