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I slept at Daveed's house and he drove me to rehearsals, which were at 3:00 p.m. So we had the whole morning to ourselves. We spent it cuddling and just talking. Daveed's roommate never came home because he apparently went to visit his mom before coming to the apartment. But I didn't mind, it meant I got to spend time with Daveed.

We stopped at Lin's apartment so I could change before we left for rehearsals. I didn't run into Lin because he had left early. So I quickly changed and walked out to the car.

We made it to the theatre and everyone except for Groff and Jasmine were there. Everyone else had arrived.

Today was going to be a good day. I was finally teaching choreography. We started from the beginning. I wasn't planning on getting through the entire thing today. Since I had to finish sewing King Georges costume, but I at least wanted to get trough 'Helpless'


After getting through 'Right Hand Man'  I decided to give everyone 10 minute break.

I sat down in the audience and started scrolling on Instagram when I got a text from Leslie. It was a picture of the back of my head. I turned around quickly and I saw him there with a stupid grin on his face.

"Stalker." I said.

"Maybe. I have a question." he responded while jumping into the seat next to me.

"I most likely have an answer." I said while facing him.

"What's up with you and Daveed?"

I froze in my seat.

"I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about." I responded as casually as possible.

"I'm not blind. I see the way you guys are always suspiciously close, and always  blushing around each other."


"Hey, I'm not accusing you of anything. But there are rumors. And rumors only grow, and we both know what we know." he said quoting the damn musical.

"You're hilarious" I said in unenthusiastically.

"I know" He said with a smile on his face.

I just looked at him in the eye. Were there really rumors?

I turned on the mic so everyone could here me.

"Break's over. Everyone on stage please."


We only got through 'A winter's Ball' and then I had to go sew Groff's costume.

I was sitting in my room preparing the fabric when there was a knock at my door.

I didn't need you to look up to know it was Lin.

"Hey." he said in a quiet voice.

I just hummed in response, I was too focused to give him a real answer.

"We should talk."

"Shouldn't you be rehearsing?"

"I told them to work on 'Wait for it' so I have time."

I finally looked up from my work.

"You slept at Daveed's apartment last night."

I was not in the mood for the conversation, like at all. But I knew it was coming.

"I'm aware." I responded bluntly

"Do you like him?"

He knew the answer to that but he wanted to hear me say it.

I stared at him, silently battling myself. I didn't know if I should tell him the truth or not. Lying was easier. Lying could get me out of this conversation, but I knew I would have to face Lin eventually.

"Yes." I responded.

"Okay." he said and walked out.

What? Okay? whats that supposed to mean. Was he mad? I could've called him back but I had to finish this damned costume.

I ended up sewing the entire thing and was at the theatre with Daveed until 10:00. He ended up falling asleep on the couch in my designing room.

I walked over to him and brushed his curls out of his peaceful looking face. He was curled up in a blanket that he got from his dressing room, and his breathing was soft. I started brushing my hands over his stubble and admired him.

There wasn't many moments where I actually Admired the things that I had. Most of the time I'm too stressed to worry about the people who care. Like with Lin.

He does so much for me. He's the one that put me in counseling. He's the one that let me live with him even though he already had to provide for his wife and kid. He's the one that loves me the most. He's the one that strives to make me happy.

With that thought, I texted him.

You: can we talk?

I put my phone down on the couch next to Daveed's face and waited for a response. Minutes passed and nothing. I didn't expect him to answer, it was past 10:00.

Then my phone buzzed.

Lin: tomorrow. I'm about to go to sleep.

I sighed and responded:

You: fair enough, I love you

Lin: love you.

Yeah he's pissed.

Little Miranda  Daveed DiggsxReaderWhere stories live. Discover now