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I woke up a few hours later with my hand in Daveeds hair, with his head on my chest. I couldn't tell if he was awake yet so I just stayed there.

I listened to his steady breathing with his arms wrapped around my waist.

That's when I got a call from Lin. I can't imagine what he would want right now.

Lin: Sebastian wants you to say goodnight and tuck him in like you usually do.

Y/N: Lin I can't go home just to tuck him in.

Lin: He said he wouldn't go to bed unless you tuck him in.

Y/N: Just give him the phone

There was a slight pause when I heard Sebastian's' voice on the other side of the phone.

Sebastian: HI AUNTIE Y/N

Y/N: hey buddy, why won't you go to bed?

Sebastian: Because I want you to tuck me in.

I could tell that he was pouting on the other side of the line.

Y/N: I know buddy, but i'm busy right now.

Sebastian: But I never see you anymore. You're always at work.

Y/N: I know buddy i'm sorry. How about if I plan a day for us together, just us, then you go to bed.

Sebastian: promise?

Y/N: cross my heart

Sebastian: Fine. Bye bye, I love you auntie

Y/N: I love you more buddy.

I could hear Lin on the other side of the phone saying goodnight to Sebastian before hearing him close the door.

Lin: Thank you Y/N

Y/N: No problem Lin. Goodnight.

Lin: Goodnight, love you.

Y/N: Love you

He hung up the phone and checked the time - 8:00, makes sense, it was Sebastian's bedtime after all.

I ran my hands through my own hair.

"You're a good aunt"

I heard Daveed say suddenly making me jump since he was awake unbeknownst to me.

"I know." I said with a smile on my face.

He moved farther up on my chest and kissed me, continuing to look into my eyes after we broke apart.

"Hey" he said

"Hey" I replied.

Then I grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him in for another kiss. Then we pulled apart and then repeated the same action a few more times.

"So you and Sebastian are close I presume?" he asked

"Yeah I was the third person to hold him when he was born, after Lin and Vanessa obviously. And I offer to babysit him a lot so naturally he grew attached. Then when I came back from Chicago he was attached at my hip."

"Why did you move back from Chicago?"

I hesitated. He knew that I hesitated. I silently battled in my head on whether or not I should tell him about Landon. (If you don't remember who Landon is, go back to the first chapter.) So I tried to get away with telling him the bare minimum.

"I just got homesick." technically it wasn't a lie. It was a factor in why I moved back home.

"So you're telling me, that you made a whole new life for yourself in Chicago, but moved back here because you were homesick?"


"Did you have a boyfriend in Chicago."

I hesitated again.

"Yes. Why does it matter."

"Because I want to know your life before you met me. I didn't even know that you got panic attacks. I didn't know how to help or what to do. I just want to be here but I can't do that if I don't really know you." he said looking into my eyes ever so longingly.

I stayed silent. At this point he was hovering over me with his face so close to mine.

"I'm not going to push you to talk about it. But I would appreciate it if you did."

I hesitated once again. But I new this conversation would come up at some point.

"I moved to Chicago because I wanted a new start. I was diagnosed with depression when I was 17 and since then my anxiety started to get worse and worse. Lin put me in counseling when I was 19 after my first-and only- suicide attempt. And everything just got really crazy here so I moved, and met Landon. He was my boyfriend but he was abusive. Not physically just verbally. So after 4 years of dating him I came back and moved in with Lin and Vanessa, and Sebastian was 1 so I babysat him while Lin and Vanessa were working."

While I was talking I couldn't make eye contact. I knew this was a conversation we had to have, but I couldn't bring myself to talk about it first. But after my panic attack there was no avoiding this conversation.

He looked stunned, I don't think that's what he was expecting to hear.

"So you've been through a lot."

"It honestly sounds more dramatic than it was. Me and Landon are still in contact he's getting better. He gone through way more than I have hones-"

"Do you always do that?" he interrupted.

I was confused to say the least.

"Do what?"

"Belittle your trauma."

"It's not trauma."

"That's exactly my point."

I knew he was right. Lin has accused me of doing the same thing. But the truth is I hate talking about my problems. It makes me feel like a burden.

He was looking deep into my eyes, then to my lips after running his hands over my hair.

"Thank you for telling me."

I smiled in response.

"Are you still in counseling?" he asked abruptly


"Do you think you'll ever go back."

"If things get bad again Lin might send me back, but as of now I don't think that will happen."



I pulled him in for another kiss.

I didn't know it yet, but I loved this man. This beautiful, caring, intelligent man, was my soulmate.

"You know, if you get to stressed or over worked, you can always pull me off stage and i'll help you through it. Lin will understand. And I can help with costumes too, maybe not sewing but designing."

"You're sweet but i'm going to be fine. Besides i'm almost done designing anyway. And tomorrow i'm helping you guys with choreography so i'll be on stage with you."

"Good." He said as he nuzzled his head into my neck.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" he asked


We ended up watching titanic - a classic - on the television in his room and falling asleep with my head on his chest.

Little Miranda  Daveed DiggsxReaderWhere stories live. Discover now