The hospital Visit

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I stare blankly at the ceiling. Trying to wrap my head around the happenings of last night. I repeat things to myself. To help myself remember.

I survived the massacre of Camp Nightwing. Tommy slater killed 12 kids. Gary died. Alice died. Cindy died. I died. Nick saved me. Nick lied.

My wounds were healing at a decent pace. I found that nice I would be able to leave in a few days. My mom stopped by earlier. She cried. The most sober I had seen her in years. It was disturbing.

She gave me a stack of my favorite books and left soon after. I pick up a copy of "Are you there God? It's me Margaret." And start to read.

An hour or so passes as I rip through the book. I place the book on my lap and slump down on my pillow. My eyes were drowsy and about close. The one thing that stopped me was the knock at the door.

I wasn't sure if happened until they knocked again. I slowly stumble out of my bed and walk to the door.

Through the blurry glass window, I could make out a slightly taller figure with dark hair. I turn the door handle and I feel as though the air has been wiped out of my lungs. Nick Goode stood in the door frame.

He looked as though he had not slept. It was odd not seeing the usual cocky smirk on his face. He wasn't smiling either.

"May I come in?", he said breaking the silence. I regain a sense of my surroundings and nod. He slips past me and I shut the door. He takes a seat in the chair beside my bed. I stand next to my bed. I try to look confident.

"Why are you here?", I said looking down at him. He cracked a smile a give a light hearted laugh.

"I can't check and make sure the werdio from shadyside is okay?" I don't laugh. I was angry with him. Liar.

"You lied, Nick.", I said bluntly. His facial expression changed to something I couldn't quite read. "You told me you believed me. You lied."

He stood up. He looked slightly angry. What must he be mad about? " I was protecting. Keeping you out of the mental hospital. You understand nobody would believe you right?"

"Just what a goddamn Sunnyvalier would say, and you know it!" I wish I never met the king of Sunnyvale. I wish I never fell in love with him.

" Don't deny it! They were gonna lock you up. If anything you should be thanking me for keeping you out of the loony bin! I just wanted the best for you!" Fuck him.

"That's bullshit.", I say as I bang my fist into the nightstand. "Everything you say is bullshit! You. Are. BULLSHIT!" I did it. I won. He begins to walk to what I hope is the door, but instead he grabs my shoulders and slams me into the wall. Face inches apart. I'm dying, aren't I.

"You think, that being a Goode includes speaking truth?" I try to get off the wall but he pushes me back into it. His grip only getting tighter. His face getting closer and closer.

"That is the real bullshit. Lies are a contract we are bound to for life. But you want to know what one thing we don't lie about?", he leans in. His cheek brushes mine. He whispers into my ear. His tone sudductive.

"Love and hate. And I would not love to see you suffer."

He leans back and looks into my eyes. His grip desolves as he gently grabs my hand. He looks down at my hand the back at me. He brings my hand to his lips and kisses it. He brings it back.

"Have a nice day Christine."

He drops my hand and exits the room. I stand there is pure shock.

What the fuck just happened

Word count - 661
Yes I'm aware it was a little confusing. I'll be post as much as I can. I really hope you enjoy. Please if you have any suggestions, don't feel shy. I'll make sure to give credit if that is what you like. I will be posting 1 or 2 more tonight. I'm not gonna leave you on a cliff hanger (definitely did not just lie) 😉
See you in the next chapter


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