Dinner, Dancing, and Drunk Teens

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Nick helps me off the couch and we all file out of the room. We walk through the halls, looking at the many doors. After what feels like years, we make it to the dinning room.

It looked like something of a movie. There were plates and plates of food. A plump turkey decorated with vegetables. There was mashed potatoes. My mouth fell to the floor. It was incredible.

I sat down next to nick, and will was to my left aswell. I take a scoop of stuffing, turkey, and some salad. I dig in so fast and not to daintly either. No one seems to notice though, except Nick.

"Slow down there, C., oryou're going to puke." Nick said laughing. I slowed down and apologized. He shook his head and resumed eating his turkey leg.

We had a good time. Talking, shoving food in our faces, Laughing at silly things. It was nice after everything that has happened.

Becky left an hour after dinner. She had soccer the Next morning. We bid her our goodbyes and dug ito desseret.

Jen told everyone she was going to sleep for the night around 11:00pm. Reminding us that she should only see her two boys here tomorrow morning.

As soon as his mom was out of site, Will quickly grabbed a bottle of alcohol. He pored glasses for us.

Nick raised his glass, "To Cindy."

He looked at me and winked. I smiled politley.

Everyone rasied there glasses, "To Cindy!"

Let the drinking comense.
I've never seen anyone parties harder then the Sunnies. Shelia was all over Will and dancing weirdly. Will was dancing. Not as wildly as Shelia but close enough. Annie and Kurt were playing video games, which involved a lot of swearing and rude gestures. Nick was tipsy but could still function well enough.

I on the other hand, was not getting drunk. I had a glass and stopped there. Just so I could stay alert about my surroundings. My mom would also unalive me if i was just the slightest bit tipsy.

I sat on the couch watching the action go down when suddenly Nick tapped me on the shoulder. "Wanna dance?"

His words were a little slurred. I stand up and take the glass from his hand. I place it on a nearby table and take his hand. "Sure."

I go to the radio and put in a copy of Sweet Jane. We start jamming our to song. Just silly teens being teens. I looked at Nick.

We locked eyes for a moment, then I lean in and connect my lips to his. A sweet, long, kiss that could have lasted forever. We pulled away for air. I give him one last peck before going for the door.

"Where are you going?", he said with confusion written all over his face.

"Bathroom. I'll be quick!", and I walked out.

I go down the halls. Searching door after door. Not finding a bathroom anywhere. I looked in a room, and seeing that it was not a bathroom, but then took a second glance.

A mini library. Lined with books and CDs. 4 blue leather couches sit in the center of the room. I was not going to snoop in their library, but curiousity got the better of me and continued into the library. I looked through all the sections. A whole section dedicated to Stephan King and Judy Blume.

I grabbed a copy of Carrie and plopped down on a couch. I stretch my arms out high, getting used to the comfy couch, and dropped the book behind me. I groaned and got off the couch. I went behind it to retrieve my fallen book.

I kneel down to grab it, but out of the cornor of my eye, I see a door. I tilt my head to make sure my eyes aren't lying to me. The door was 3 feet high and and 2 feet wide.

My finger grasp the small handle and pull it open. It was a cave. It looked as though it went on forever.

I turn my head in all different direction to make sure no one was watching. This is what I was looking for.

I crawl through the door and close it behimd me.

"For Cindy", i say as I venture through the Tunnel.

word count - 724
Cliff Hanger (WHOOP WHOOP!) Don't worry the next one will be an even bigger cliff hanger..... Love you guys :) <3

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